Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Vikings Vs Seahawks 10/11/2020

 That's Vikings Football as a friend from twitter always says.

Honestly, this game has been kicking around in my head since last night, so many small things that could have gone different for a Vikings win, some small errors, and also some big errors, and I wanted to try writing about them. I have written about sports all that much, but really wanted to get my thoughts onto the page.

The Good

I bet I am in the minority of Vikings fans on this, but I really thought overall this was the best defensive game the team has played. Being able to mostly rush 4 and pressure Russell Wilson while playing coverage, and the coverage holding up for the majority of the game was a really great sign. I thought the Wilson interception was a great play as well, working the receiver out of bounds before coming back in and making a play on the ball. The fact that the Vikings should have won this game is a testament to how well the defense played for most of the game.

I think the pass rush was pretty impressive in this game going up against a really good team in the Seahawks, they were able to get pressure bringing just 4 guys, allowing the secondary to play coverage pretty well.

The running game was really great, they ground down the defense in the game, Cook getting hurt is unfortunate, but Mattison and even Boone looked good when they came in, getting chunks of yardage several times.

Thielen has looked like a #1 receiver this season, he is still somehow able to get open even if the defense is keying off him, and the ascendancy of Justin Jefferson will help, and Erv Smith Jr. also had the best overall game I have seen. It also helps that I have Thielen on my main fantasy team this season.

I really thought that to start this game, the Vikings offense took a page out of the Seahawks playbook and came out aggressive, throwing with play action on some early downs. I think the calls were aggressive while also working on grinding down the defense. I like all of the calls to go for it on 4th down. I think the 4th and 1 that decided the game, it was 100% the right call to go for it. I think the play call could have been better, with some misdirection. Honestly, if Cook is healthy I think he is able to power through for the first down, but he wasn't in the game. Hindsight is 20/20, but there was a big gap that Mattison could have bounced it out to, just one gap away.

I think the tough thing to handle with going for it on 4th and 1 is how fatalistic Vikings fans are at this point, if they don't make it they are going to lose, even though they had a decent lead against an offense they had shut down for most of the game. I like to think of football as a mind game, so everyone in the building thinks the Vikings are going to run it on 4th and 1, the questions I have are, was the right side the correct side to run to? And would the Seahawks have gone hard for a play fake and a bootleg to the left? 

Thielen was 1 on 1 up top on the key play, if you bootleg left, you have your stronger blockers in front of the play, and you also have a lot of space. If the linebackers bite you should have an easy pass for a TD, if they don't and Thielen clears out space, I think Kirk can run for the first down. Yes this all based on a lot of assumptions, but I am fan of doing things that your opponents think are extremely unlikely.

The Bad

I thought Dru Samia got destroyed far too often on pass coverage that adjustments should have been made much earlier in the game. If he can't handle the guy in front of him one on one, he needs help, not much else to say about that. He was good in run blocking, but led to a lot of pressure for Kirk in the game.

I think there are a few key plays in this game that had they gone the other way would have been game changers.

At the end of the 2nd quarter, the Vikings had a chance for another TD on 3rd and 7 there was a pass to Thielen in the end zone. This would have made the score 17-0 going into half time. I think it would have just taken a slightly better throw from Kirk and Thielen brings it down. Kirk floated the ball outside just a bit when Thielen had inside position, if the pass is just inside a little bit its a score.

One play was just the Vikings getting too cute, when they went for 2 they called a QB draw. Great call to go for 2, but a QB draw? Honestly I am probably more of a fan of Kirk than most people, but he is not QB draw material, you have so many other weapons to use on that play, including the under utilized Kyle Rudolph who has been amazing in those situations in his career.

I said it before and I will say it again, the Vikings should have won this game, they just didn't execute their game. I do feel like there maybe were too many blitzes on the final drive to allow more space for the Seahawks receivers, I get it, coaches sometimes want to be the reason a team wins, but it didn't have to happen like that. The other issue was allowing such a big completion on 4th and 10 on the final drive. I am not sure why Dantzler accelerated like he did but Metcalf was able to pop up for the ball and a huge gain. That was really a heartbreaking play for me.

Dalvin Cook getting hurt is a bit of a rough blow for the team, but at least the team has Alexander Mattison ready to go behind him. It does bring into focus why myself and many others were opposed to giving Dalvin so much money, he just hasn't been able to stay healthy. With him making so much money you have to carry another running back on the roster who you believe is capable of handling a decent workload while he is out. Right now the Vikings have Mattison, but we aren't that far away from him being ready for his 2nd contract, and I think he is talented enough to get paid by another team looking for someone to plug in. Going forward, I think Mattison takes over 80% of the Cook workload, while coming out on passing downs for Boone or Abdullah, I think Boone moves into the role that Mattison had coming in when Mattison needs a breather.

The Ugly

Kirk had a decent game, but man were those 2 turnovers killers. The fumble isn't as much his fault as the interception was, but both were preventable. On the fumble, I get it, you don't want to take a sack for a big loss, but if you take the sack, you live to fight another day. On the interception, it really took an amazing play from a defender to pick that ball off, but a great quarterback puts it well above where it can ever possibly be reached. Without those 2 turnovers the defense isn't put into such a tough spot at all.


Honestly, the Vikings should have won this game, and it shouldn't have been that close. Some slight changes and they are running out the clock with a 10+ point lead. I think the defense has shown a lot of improvement, we will see how the team comes out next week. There is still an outside shot at the playoffs, but prospects would have been so much better if they were 2-3 with a huge win over the Seahawks leading into the next week. I think the Vikings can come close to competing for the last wild card spot, but you need to go on a big run here before and out of the bye week they have. Maybe they can get Hunter back? That would shore up the pass rush quite a bit, and he can play the run pretty well too, but who knows if he will play a snap this year.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Life Update 10/12/2020

 Hello, it has been nearly 6 years since the last time I wrote a blog post, but have had the urge to do a little writing so thought I would give it a shot again.

So many things have changed since the last time I wrote a post so I figured it would be a good refresh everyone about my life. I figure I could hit the important points from the last 6 or so years.

I met someone! This isn't news to anyone who I have done a good job keeping up with, but I will be honest in admitting that I haven't been all that great at keeping up with people in my life. Something I need to do a much better job of. We have been together over 5 years now. Hannah is a brilliant and kind person, who works as an RN and her patients could not be luckier to have her by their side.

We adopted a cat together a few years back, his name is Albus, to go with Astrid who I had prior to our relationship(see older posts). Albus is the brown and gray tabby, and Astrid is black and white.

They are wonderful company and will even snuggle with each other from time to time. That leads me to the next big life event...

We got married! I figure it will be good to include a picture, professional photos are still being worked on.

While this year has been difficult, there have been some amazingly bright spots as well. We were lucky enough to be able to have an outdoor wedding in the back yard of my now in-laws. We weren't able to have a larger gathering right now as that is just not safe, but we are so lucky to have had the amazing event with direct family and close friends. While it was not our original plan, we are just amazed at what we were able to do, we are also lucky to have been provided an amazing space by the Riggle family. We look forward to being able to throw a larger party once people can gather in large groups safely.

I am glad to get to share the good stories such as our relationship and wedding, but I also wanted to share the less fortunate things. Back in January I got laid off, this is not a post to trash anyone or anything like that, just to state the truth. Unfortunately some 9 months later I have still not been able to find a job, but I am continuing to hustle on that front. Over 80 applications and a dozen interviews, and still working at it. This is not a sob story, I was extremely lucky with how things went down. I got severance pay and we were able to prepare for the long haul while I am on the job hunt. Unfortunately for myself and the greater world the pandemic happened.

I didn't lose my job related to the pandemic, but I do think my struggles to find a job are related to the pandemic. I can't blame everything on the pandemic, I should have hustled more while I was still employed and even earlier on when I had just been laid off. That is purely on me. I think I let the negative feelings from getting laid off cloud my judgement, and I didn't put nearly as many applications out there early on as I should have. I figured with my management experience it would be easier to find a job, I am not all that picky in what I am looking for as far as work goes, I just thought I would like to see what it out in the world other than health insurance.

Well maybe changing roles entirely going into a pandemic isn't the best move overall, but I can't go back and change things right now, just have to keep moving forward. I would love to find a job where I feel like I can make an actual impact to the local community, which my last job was lacking, but I am willing to take almost anything that is offered to me going forward. I said it before and I will say it again, I am lucky as far as losing my job goes, we were able to save over the years, way more than enough to weather this storm. There are nearly 30 million people in this country who are also unemployed, and the odds are they aren't quite as fortunate, so to whomever needs to hear this, you are not alone going through this tough time, and if you need someone to talk to about thee struggles I am here. Also, Congress needs to get off their asses and take care of these people or the economy is really going to tank. I don't care if I get any added benefit from this at all, but every other "developed" nation in the world is taking care of their citizens right now, why on earth can't we do the same?

Wasn't planning on getting political right now, that is for future posts, it just didn't have to be this bad in the country, and especially in Northeast Wisconsin where I live, this all could have been reduced so much, but certain leaders chose not to, and some actively fought safety measures as well.

I guess that is the next topic to cover, what a year we are having huh? We have been mostly just been hunkered down since early March, we have only left the state once in this time, and that was for a very special occasion and was only really for a few hours. I am mostly a homebody so this isn't all that much of an adjustment, but even I miss getting out and spending time with friends, or going to a game store and playing games. To prevent cabin fever, I have been making sure to get out on walks almost every day, going between 4-7 miles daily, which has been nice as the weather has allowed for this, some mornings now I have to wait a while after Hannah leaves for work to go for a walk in a more comfortable temperature.

On the topic of weight loss, which I previously wrote about at length, things have been a bit up and down. I probably reached my highest point in quite a while near the beginning of the pandemic, but that was my own fault for being to sedentary. We have been trying different things with some decent success in the last few months, currently doing intermittent fasting while also trying to keep our added sugar low. It has allowed us to make all kind of cool things this summer that we wouldn't have been able to do if we kept with just slow carb. Just wanted to include a food pictures for everyone to enjoy. First we have Alton Brown's Mr. Crunchy(Croque Monsieur), then home made gnocchi with kale, bacon, and creamy sauce, and finally we have a tuna poke bowl that we both really loved.

All things considered, life is good. I will definitely be writing more about the cooking that we do, as well as all kinds of things like sports, movies, games, and really anything else that inspires me to write.

Until next time! Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Disney's Big Hero 6

I have been a bit delayed in writing about this movie as I just haven't had the inspiration to write about, but I will just force myself to put together something right now, as they farther away I get from the movie the less I remember.

I really liked this movie. Going in I really didn't know what to expect from the movie, but it is another great Disney animated movie. This was yet another movie that made me tear up, and actually a few times, I am either getting more emotional as a person or movies are just hitting me in the feels more often, or possibly both.

This movie takes place in a futuristic city called San Fransokyo, I think that is how it is spelled at least, but the city has elements of both San Francisco and Tokyo, and I really liked the slightly futuristic feel of the movie. I thought the city was really well put together.

The main character, Hiro, is a classic type, the genius who just isn't applying himself in his life, while his older brother is trying to set him down the right path. This movie really makes studying sciences look cool, which is always a good message to send to kids. Many of the characters have their own specific creations that they are working on at the school they all attend. There is also a clash between the public sector school and the private sector in the shape of a businessman. While the science is slightly futuristic, it is also very believable. It isn't out there to the extreme, there are many things that could be quite possible in the near future.

The character who makes this movie in so many different ways is Baymax, an inflatable non-threatening robotic nurse. Baymax provides the movie with both comedy as well as heart. There are many themes in the movie including dealing with loss in your life,  and finding your true calling in life.

This movie is quite unlike other Disney movies, it provides great action shots, there is heart, there is humor. I think it is more comparable to How To Train Your Dragon in tone than other Disney movies.

I highly reccomend this movie, like all of the other movies that I have seen this year. This is especially great if you have kids in the right age range. We may be living in a real golden age of animated films, because there are so many wonderful animated films coming out these days. This will be the 3rd that I have loved this year alone, counting Lego Movie which is  a big different animation-wise.

This movie was really hard to slot in my rankings this year, I have loved all of the movies this year, and will likely own all of them in the near future. I would like to see this movie again, and parts of it have really stuck with me.

2014 Movie Rankings:
1. Guardians of the Galaxy
2. Captain America: The Winter Soldier
3. How To Train Your Dragon 2
4. Big Hero 6
5. 22 Jump Street
6. X-Men: Days of Future Past
7. The Lego Movie

Thursday, November 27, 2014

What I Am Thankful For

I just wanted to take some time to write about all of the things that I am thankful for, and also share the food I have made for Thanksgiving. This is not an all inclusive list, but I just wanted to share some things.

I am thankful for all of my friends and family.
I am thankful that I am living a financially stable life, I never knew how wonderful being financially stable was until I actually was stable.
I am thankful for my job, which I look forward to every day.
I am thankful for my dependable car, after dealing with lots of crap from my previous car, it is nice to have a car that I don't need to worry about.
I am thankful for my love of cooking, which I believe I inherited from my family, I enjoy cooking and trying to make new things frequently.
I am thankful that the value of learning was instilled in me as a kid, we would go to museums and zoos to learn about all sorts of things, and this has stayed with me to this day, I still enjoy learning new things whenever I can.
I am thankful for my health.
And last but not least I am thankful for my wonderful cat Astrid who I adopted a few months ago, she has been a wonderful addition to my life. For those who haven't seen here, this is what she was doing while I was cooking today.

She slept like that til I gave her some food, she then immediately got up and ate.

This is my Thanksgiving dinner, roast turkey breast, chorizo brown rice dressing, brussels sprouts with bacon, apple, onion, cream, and parmesan cheese, and some cilantro lime corn with garlic butter.

I brined the turkey breast overnight, which made it nice and juicy. All of the different elements worked so well together, I was surprised by how much I loved the brussels sprouts dish, but I wanted to try some new things and it all worked well.

For dessert I made some apple crisp which I had some vanilla frozen yogurt with. It was a good end to a great meal.

I want to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Peter's Cooking Diary #26

Well it has been a little while since I have written about my cooking, I honestly haven't been doing that much cooking, or at least not that much of cooking new things. This week I cooked 2 new things, or at least variations of things that I had never done before.

The first recipe that I will be making this week is slow cooker chicken meatloaf. I have made chicken and turkey meatloaf in the oven previously but I have never made either of them in the slow cooker before. I took a recipe for a tex mex meatloaf in the slow cooker with beef and changed it over to chicken. I had forgotten to get the beef I had originally planned to use out of the freezer the night before, so I made a dash to the store where they actually had ground chicken on sale for an amazing price, so I went with that.

One of the things that I love about my favorite slow cooker cookbook does is that it includes different methods for using the slow cooker. In this case the foil collar will help to diffuse the heat a little bit from the heating element and move it all around the insert.

After the collar, you add strips of aluminum foil going perpendicular to each other to help with removing the meatloaf from the crock pot intact and it also helps prevent the meatloaf from burning to the insert, and it even helps with the cleanup afterwards.

This is the selections of produce that I am using for this recipe, I want to start doing more before shots of things. Those are poblano pepper for people that are not familiar with them, they are a little spicy with what I consider to be better flavor than green bell peppers. The recipe called for a red bell pepper but of course I don't stick to a recipe perfectly. The garlic cloves are the last of what I got from my mom about a month ago.

Chopped up onion and peppers in the big container and the garlic in the other.

The recipe called for vegetable oil, but what better fat is there to use for this than bacon grease? I cooked the pepper and onions in a pan for about 10 minutes on medium high heat before adding the garlic.

Stirred the garlic in with everything else, and cooked for about 5 more minutes.

Added the seasoning of salt, chile powder, and dried oregano as well as some tomato paste, stirred all of the ingredients together.

This is what the veggies looked like all together after cooking. I let them all cool and worked on the other elements of the meatloaf.

This bowl contains one soft kaiser roll torn into little bits, one cup of milk, and one can's worth of beans that I rinsed and drained. I mashed them all together in this bowl until the mixture almost looked like blue milk.

The bowl of mashed up milk, beans, and bread, alongside the ground chicken in its own bowl, I let it get a little bit warmer than fridge temp so my hands wouldn't freeze when I mixed it all together.

The chicken bowl to which I added the milk/bean mixture, cheese, corn, eggs, and the veggie mixture.

Mixing the whole thing together, it is a messy job, but I don't mind it at all.

I added the meatloaf to the slow cooker and evened it out. After this picture I added a layer of barbecue sauce to the top of this, I put the lid on and cooked it for about 5 hours on low.

This is what it looks like once the meatloaf was done, then you take the pieces of foil sticking out and pull them all together and you can lift the meatloaf out. I actually let it cool down a bit before removing it from the pot.

The other recipe I made this week, is something that I had never made this way. I have made roasted cauliflower in many different ways, but this one was actually brown butter roasted cauliflower. To start I preheated the oven to 425. I removed the stems and leaves from the heads. I then rubbed them with vegetable oil and stuck them into the oven to bake for 45 minutes.

After the 45 minutes in the oven, the recipe called for butter to be smeared all over both of the heads, I did this as best I could as they were hot. I then popped the cauliflower back into the oven.

During the last stage of cooking I took the cauliflower out and basted it with the browned butter that was in the pan. This made the cauliflower taste amazing overall, my favorite preparation yet!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Life update: 9/20/2014

It has been quite a while since I have written anything on here, and even longer since I have written about my life. I have honestly been trying to get out there and live life, I do miss writing though so maybe I will get back to doing it on a more regular basis. Honestly, this post is more about me venting about some things to try to get them out of my head.

I have been doing quite well for the most part, there have been a few hiccups with my depression, but they only lasted for a few days at a time. I have been getting out there and dating, and meeting new people some, which is something I really would like to do more of in my life. I need to find ways to get a little bit out of my comfort zone to meet people.

On the dating front I have dated a few people over the past few months, nothing really developed in a long term way for different reasons along the way. I have actually deleted all of my dating site accounts because someone  was accessing them and messaging people and blocking other people who I had messaged. I changed my password on every account a few times and even on my email address a few times. I just decided it wasn't worth the hassle to deal with. I will likely go back to them in the future, but we will see, I am honestly very tired of dating.

For those of you reading this who might not know me personally, I am a very logical person. I think my downfall will be wanting to understand things that I don't need to. Its the things that I don't control that I have the hardest times with. Back in April I was dating someone, honestly it was only for a few weeks, things could not have gone better, fluid conversation, chemistry on any level, I felt like we actually got each other, then one day she stops talking to me, a few days later she tells me she isn't over her ex and didn't want to be my friend or anything. I understand it, it just blindsided me. She didn't want to talk to me or try to be my friend or anything. I have honestly still not moved on emotionally. I really thought that I had, but I randomly ran into her, and the hurt and pain flared up completely, I have just been down the last few days since that. I just never learned how to let things go, and I really, really want to.

I need to learn how to let things go, and I need to learn how to cut myself a break. I need to learn to accept things as they are when I have no control over these things, especially in the case described above. I need to not beat myself up for things that are out of my control as well. I swear when my emotions get in the way I always wish there was an easy logical way to deal with them, but that isn't how emotions work is it?

I have not had much alone time in the last few months because I have been letting a friend of mine sleep on my couch pretty regularly, because she doesn't really have anywhere else to go, but I really miss my alone time. I really like alone time, it was once my worst nightmare, but I have learned to really enjoy my alone time, it can be very therapeutic.

I have been wanting to get some kind of pet in my apartment, I need to look into exactly how much extra it would cost to do that, because I think that will help me better deal with my loneliness, I would like to get a cat, but I am not sure if they are allowed in my building or not. If I get a pet, I will be sure to post about him/her on here on occasion and post some pictures.

I honestly just needed to vent about some things, I don't really expect to accomplish anything by writing about all of this, but I know for me it does help to get it out of my head at the very least.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy

This movie, oh man, this movie was a bit different than I was expecting, which I think was a good thing. In all honesty, I didn't know what to expect from this movie, but it did things that were quite wonderful. It is probably for the best that Marvel had waited until the end of their 2nd phase of movies to release this movie, it is based on a comic, but I honestly had no previous knowledge of the characters, although I did recently get a copy of the first Rocket Raccoon, I just haven't read it yet.

This movie does something that none of the Marvel movies to date had done by including lots of music, and I thought the music was very well selected as well, a list of the tracks can be found here. The music is a lot of 70's pop music, and I think the combination would be something that my mom would really like getting and listening to. None of the other Marvel movies have more than maybe one of two songs within them, and there are 5-10 songs played in part during the movie. I thought the music and the reasons it was so prominent helped the story and motivation within the movie.

This movie has been called the funniest Marvel movie in ads, and also on Rotten Tomatoes I will say that this could not be more true! Other Marvel movies have had humor in them, but this movie really has humor through the entire movie. There are so many good laughs, even within the action and fight scenes. This movie has such a wonderful sense of humor, but just because it is funny doesn't mean this movie doesn't also have heart. There is some sadness in this movie, in fact there is sadness in the movie for each of the main characters, some more than others, but some of them have extremely tragic moments in the movie. I was close to crying in this movie a few different times, that is just something I would not have expected from the funniest movie in the Marvel world.

I must say that this movie should be a launching platform for James Gunn the director. He has already done 2 movies that I own and love, the Dawn of the Dead remake, and also the scifi horror movie Slither, but this will likely enable him to make other studio films, that is if he wants to. Marvel announced that there would be a second Guardians movie even before the first one was released, and the movie beat projections by more than $20 million, which is crazy from a lesser known comic.

This movie was just so much fun, there really isn't much wasted time, and the pacing is fast, but just the right speed to allow the brain to follow everything that was going on. All of the characters have their moments, and also all of the characters are funny in their own way. The movie is extremely well written, with lots of funny jokes, each of the characters have their own personality which is more than can be said for some other comic book movies.

I don't think that there is a weak link in this cast. The 5 main characters are all amazing. Vin Diesel as Groot is great even though he has a limited vocabulary. I wouldn't have known that Rocket was played by Bradley Cooper from the voice, but he did such a wonderful job in that role. Chris Pratt is well on his way to being a star with 2 awesome movies out this year, and he will also be the lead in Jurassic World coming out next summer. There are also many wonderful actors in smaller roles including academy award nominees Glenn Close, John C. Reilly, and Djimon Hounsou, as well as one winner in Benicio Del Toro. Also for all of the Whovians out there we have Karen Gillan is also in the movie, with lots of makeup and prosthetics.

The movie has some wonderful 80's references in it, and it also makes fun of it self at times, such as when something convenient happens to help advance the plot. They also make fun of the fact that Groot only says "I am Groot" which is wonderful when it happens in the movie.

Because there is already a sequel in the works, I have a strong feeling that a lot of the things introduced in this movie will come back in the sequel. There are some lines that hint at more, but there so many of them it is hard to know exactly which direction the series will go. There is also the possibility of a crossover as sometimes in the comics some other marvel characters fight alongside the Guardians.

One thing that sets this apart from the other Marvel Studios movies is that these characters are not really superheroes. They are more along the lines of a ragtag group of losers than superheroes. I really look forward to where the movies go in the future, and I will gladly pay money to see the next movie.

This year has been wonderful for movies for me, I will likely buy all of the movies I have seen today, and that says a lot because I don't buy many movies anymore. This movie was just so engaging and moved at a wonderful pace that it just flew by. I have seen it twice and will gladly go see it again. Because of all of these things I had to rank it first for the year, and it is hard to imagine a movie beating it, but we will see.
2014 Movie Rankings:
1. Guardians of the Galaxy
2. Captain America: The Winter Soldier
3. How To Train Your Dragon 2
4. 22 Jump Street
5. X-Men: Days of Future Past
6. The Lego Movie

Rankings of the Avengers Movies:
1. Guardians of the Galaxy
2. The Avengers
3. Iron Man
4. Captain America: The Winter Soldier
5. Captain America
6. Iron Man 3
7. Thor
8. The Incredible Hulk
9. Thor: The Dark World
10. Iron Man 2