Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My Disdain for Politics

I am writing this on election night, but before having seen any kind of information about the results. I also am going to try  to keep my personal political beliefs out of this. If you know me, you likely can guess which direction I lean. If you want to discuss politics, I am up for that, but this is not the forum I would like to do that in.

I guess the title is a little bit misleading, my disdain is not completely for politics, but also for the business that has been created around politics. There are billions of dollar spent on politics, that could go towards many better causes. I just don't like that people who have more money than others have more say than others. Everyone should have the same impact. I know this has never been the case, but I guess I am just dreaming of a better world, politically.

I really hate the mailings and the pamphlets left on doors, and all of those other scraps of paper that are sent out during the campaign. We definitely got a piece or two of political mail every day. I don't know about other people, but I didn't even bother to read the pieces we received, other than to notice that opposing candidates pretty much using the exact same attacks on each other. I can only imagine how many tons of paper are sent out for elections, and I would imagine lots of that ends up as litter, or with people just throwing them in the garbage, because what we really need is more litter and trash in the world.

Nothing drives me crazier during this time than the attack ads that are everywhere. Nothing is really more discouraging about politics than the negativity. I want to know why you are better than the other candidate(s) not why they are the worst thing ever. You have to take the negativity you see in politics in general with a grain of salt. If you really believe every word you hear from politicians you really need a reality check. I am not saying either side is worse than the other, but can we act like adults about this stuff? After all politics is something that kids aren't allowed to participate in.

This kind of leads in to yet another thing, cherry picking of facts, or even just stating things that are not true. This was especially something that really bothered me during the debates, which I watched. There really needs to be some way to verify the information during the actual debates, and there also needs to be some accountability, getting votes for flat out lying about things during the debates seems like one of the most unsavory things of all.

I will be honest, I am very sick of being pigeonholed into a 2 party system. There need to be more option, that are actually serious options. I would prefer to have the options that are available in Europe, there is room for more than just the 2 parties. I guess I save my stand on that soapbox for another time.

I just hope that everyone went out and voted.

I will see you all on the other side.