Saturday, October 8, 2011

Movie Bracket Walk-thrus

I forgot to note in the last post that Abigail Breslin went 2-0 in the play in round, both Zombieland and Little Miss Sunshine won their play in rounds.

This is the list of match-ups that I have deemed to be no contest between the two movies, and for the interest of saving some time in my life I have decided to skip watching them in this round.

Aliens over Garden State
While I really like Garden State, and it is definitely no match for my favorite of all of the Alien(s) movies. I wish I could make a graphic of an alien bursting out of Zach Braff's torso, but alas I am not good at anything artistic. Aliens is re-watchable, is very entertaining, and even though it was a sequel it was quite original and used the aliens in a very different way than the original.

The Departed over Mean Girls
I love Mean Girls more than more people do, but I can't honestly give it the edge in any way over The Departed.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 over Office Space
Office Space is a classic comedic movie that is very entertaining and rewatchable, but it just can not match the epic levels that are reached in this Harry Potter Movie.

The Godfather Part 2 over Easy A
I can't in good judgement even consider Easy A over The Godfather Part 2. I loved Easy A, but this is a completely different level of movie. I will actually have to sit down and think about The Godfather Part 2 eventually though, and who knows if I will like it when comparing it to a comedy down the line.

Airplane! over Big Fan
Airplane! has to win this matchup. Big Fan is a movie that I really enjoy from an emotional standpoint, but it really suffers from the entertaining standpoint, but the movie is supposed to be slow. Airplane is just a comedy classic that I could watch over and over gets a pass in this round.

LoTR: Two Towers over Amelie
I really like Amelie, I think it is one of 2 or 3 foreign films that have made this list. I actually noticed that all 3 Lord of the Rings movies are in the same quarter of the bracket, which is unfortunate for them. I may need to reshuffle these movies when I get down to 32 or something along those lines we will see.

I am sorry I have been so behind on posting this, but here are the first few results from the movie tournament. I plan to get another matchup or 2 done today.

Movie Bracket to date:

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