Saturday, July 23, 2011

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2

The final movie in the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2 or HP7.2 if you're cool, was a triumphant finale to the series that has lasted what seems like an eternity.

I am honestly at a bit of a loss for words, I have been thinking about what to write about this movie, but I am afraid that I really don't have all that much to say that has not already been said a million times. I still believe that these would have been amazing movies even if they had not come from books, and actually I would imagine that this final movie would have been even more enjoyable if you did not know exactly what was going to happen.

The kids are so grown up now, and they can actually act! I can imagine it would have been a very emotional ending for all of them as well. They will no longer know where their fortunes are coming from, but I doubt any of them will be struggling. I just hope they are not forced into doing these characters in other movies. I think they have great potential.

I guess I will have to hope for a new series of movies and books to come out that can occupy my time for 10 more years going forward, but I imagine that this is a once in a lifetime experience. They will be rewatched frequently by me, and maybe some day I will watch them all in a single day to celebrate their greatness, but it is probably more likely that they will all be watched over the course of a few days, or even a week.

This movie had great action, emotion, there was some great acting, and there was even a bit of humor in order to cut the tension a little. I look forward to watching this movie over and over.

I have one thing I would have changed about the movie though. I think it would have gotten huge laughs. When Luna goes to sit down next to Neville and he is holding the sword, why didn't they have her say, "Can I touch it?" or, "Can I hold it?" Maybe I am the only one who would have loved that, but imagine a bunch of other people would have laughed at it too.

Well those were my incomplete and rambling thoughts on this movie. I really could not come up with anything more than that.

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