Thursday, May 2, 2013

Summer Movie Explosion!

Well in this post I just wanted to highlight the movies that are coming out this summer that I plan to see, and then give a little discussion as to why I want to see them. 

Iron Man 3--Released May 3rd
Do I really need to explain why I want to see Iron Man 3 to anyone? If you know anything about my taste in movies, you would know I am going to see this movie as soon as I can, although it might not be for a little while since I will be out of town starting on the day this comes out. Maybe we will see it on my vacation? I guess that is possible. I think all Marvel movies are must see movies in my book right now. I did not know that director Shane Black was also the director of an underrated movie Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.

Star Trek Into Darkness--Released May 15th
I loved the Star Trek reboot film. I like a great many of the actors involved in this movie. I will see pretty much any movie with Simon Pegg in it. I guess if you aren't already planning on seeing this movie, I am not going to be able to convince you to see it.

Much Ado About Nothing--Released June 7th
What I said about seeing any Marvel movie also goes for any movie directed by Joss Whedon. This is Whedon's adaptation of the Shakespeare play. It has an assortment of cast members from Whedon's past. I just think this movie will bring Shakespeare into a new light, no pun was intended, I believe the movie is in black and white.

This is the End--Released June 12th
This movie has pretty much everyone who has been in a Judd Apatow movie, plus more people. This is the latest movie written and directed by Evan Goldberg and Seth Rogen. It looks to be a bit of an end of the world comedy, as the title would indicate. I think there are enough funny people in this movie for it to be funny at the very least, the plot is what I would worry would be lacking in this movie. It appears that all of the actors are actually playing satirical versions of themselves in this, including James Franco.

Man of Steel--Released June 14th
I trust in Christopher Nolan and Zack Snyder to create a quality reboot of this franchise. Amy Adams is an interesting choice for Lois Lane, just based upon the looks that have been portrayed previously. I like her so I think she can do a good job. I guess this just might be the last chance a lot of people give Superman.

Monsters University--Released June 21st
I have to be excited for a prequel to one of the best Pixar movies to date. Monsters Inc. is still so great. I look forward to some more great Billy Crystal and John Goodman lines. I honestly have no idea where the actual story of the movie will go, and that isn't a bad thing.

World War Z--Released June 21st
I think the movie looks very cool, visually. The book is much more of a documentary style after the fact, explaining what happened in different places. I am very interested in seeing what adaptation of the different items will be in the movie. I think Brad Pitt chose to take part in it because he liked the script. I am quite hopeful that it will be a good movie.

Despicable Me 2--Released July 3rd
I really liked the story of the first movie, I have high hopes for the sequel to it. I think Steve Carell does a great job in the movie, and the kids were so adorable in the first movie. I am very interested in seeing where they will go with this movie.

Pacific Rim--Released July 12th
I think the preview looks awesome, monsters fighting giant machines controlled by people? Yes please! I also think that Guillermo Del Toro will create wonderful visuals in this movie, I also love the monsters he has created in some of his other movies. I look forward to seeing how this one ends up, I think the cast is a very interesting assortment of actors as well.

The Wolverine--Released July 26th
I will see any Marvel movie, but I don't want to get burned by Wolverine again, the last movie was so painfully bad. I think this movie seems very interesting, it takes place mostly in Japan, which does supposedly follow along with a story line from the comics.

Elysium--Released August 9th
This is a new movie from Neill Blomkamp, who wrote and directed District 9. I think District 9 has been forgotten, but I just love the story of it, as well as the idea. Elysium covers some issues relating to class warfare, but in a futuristic world. Matt Damon is the star, and appears to be some kind of cyborg. I just loved his first movie so much, I think the one also looks like it has great potential.

Kick-Ass 2--Released August 16th
If you haven't seen the first Kick-Ass and you like comic book movies, you really need to. This is the follow up to that first movie, with a larger cast of characters, Jim Carrey is in this movie, but he really doesn't look like Jim Carrey. He appears to be an adapted version of The Comedian. Loved the first movie so much that seeing this movie is a no-brainer.

The World’s End--Released August 23rd
This movie has a very similar to This is the End, but has a great British cast instead of an American cast. This is the third movie staring Simon Pegg and Nick Frost that is also directed by Edgar Wright, the first two were Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz. I love all of the people involved in this movie, really looking forward to it. The movie also has Martin Freeman from The Hobbit, The Office, and Sherlock.

I have linked all of the movies to their IMDB pages if you would like more information.