Sunday, December 18, 2011

Defending Tim Tebow

I can't understand how people can hate Tim Tebow. If people want to talk about him, they will talk about him. Sure there are too many discussions in the media about him, but it isn't like he is the one who is forcing everyone to talk about him. I think Tebow is the most open and honest athlete. He makes mo apologies for who he is, or what he believes in.

I am a non-religious person, I am a liberal, and I am pro-choice, but I believe everyone has the right to have different beliefs from me. I think Tebow is the good kind of Christian, he is moral, he is humble, he is respectful, and he is thankful for everything he has. There are so many athletes who are religious, but are none of those other things that Tebow is. I would rather see someone be true to their beliefs like Tebow than a hypocrite like so many others. Tebow simply is what he claims to be.

People also hate Tebow because he isn't a "good NFL quarterback" whatever that means. Tebow played a key role in 2 national championship winning teams at Florida, they had a great system that worked around his skill set. Tebow didn't trade up in the draft to take himself, Tebow didn't then install himself as the starter of his team. He plays when they tell him to play, and observes when they tell him to observe, never complaining, or talking crap to the media.

Maybe he isn't a good NFL quarterback, because he is very different from most NFL quarterbacks. He clearly has an amazing ability to run the ball, he is a lefty, he is a vocal and passionate leader of his team. These things definitely set him apart from other NFL quarterbacks. I think Tebow could be a great quarterback. He has yet to get the first team snaps for more than half of a season, which can't help his development. He has the passion, and the will to do anything he sets himself out to doing.

I can't see what all of the hate for Tebow is for, he is possibly the least offensive and least abrasive personality in football. Sure he is being given credit for things in a team sport, but he is the first one to point out that those are things that he is not responsible for, he doesn't even take credit for his own accomplishments, he gives all of the credit to a certain someone else. Anyone who hates Tebow for things he isn't responsible for needs to take a moment to think about what they are doing.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Muppets

I will just start off my discussion of Muppets by stating that I teared up more than once during the movie, and for me that is just something that happens very seldom. I think the movie really played into my sentimental side, but I am surprised it got to me that much, while I like the Muppets, I am by no means a huge fan. I love the work of some of the writers and producers, but I don't even think I have seen all of the Muppet movies, I don't think I have seen Muppets in Space, or did they make a Treasure Island movie too?

The movie was funny, cheesy, corny, and quite touching. I honestly had pretty high expectations going in, it has gotten such great reviews, but I was honestly still impressed by the movie. The characters showed some range, Animal had a great performance, Fozzie Bear was able to laugh at himself for being a hack comedian. There were plenty of good celebrity cameos within the movie, some more expected than others, I mean really? Mickey Rooney? That was just random!

The songs did a great job in the movie as well, the music producer for the movie was Bret Mckenzie of Flight of the Conchords fame. The songs have a bit of FotC flair to them, while having the Muppets' optimism in them as well. I have a bit of an interest in purchasing the soundtrack, which is something I never do, but the songs were that enjoyable!

I thought that the actors did a great job in the movie, Jason Segel and Amy Adams play the stereotypical bright eyed couple from a stereotypical Small Town in the Midwest, with some little twists, but they do a very good job of playing their very impressionable characters. Chris Cooper, really all that I can say about his performance is "Maniacal Laugh".

I laughed a lot, and as I had already stated I teared up a little bit, so you could say that I laughed and I cried, but the movie made me think a little bit too. I really would recommend the movie to anyone of any age. It really was very enjoyable, and I look forward to the next time that I get to see it. A movie I will most likely be owning when it is released on dvd.