Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Muppets

I will just start off my discussion of Muppets by stating that I teared up more than once during the movie, and for me that is just something that happens very seldom. I think the movie really played into my sentimental side, but I am surprised it got to me that much, while I like the Muppets, I am by no means a huge fan. I love the work of some of the writers and producers, but I don't even think I have seen all of the Muppet movies, I don't think I have seen Muppets in Space, or did they make a Treasure Island movie too?

The movie was funny, cheesy, corny, and quite touching. I honestly had pretty high expectations going in, it has gotten such great reviews, but I was honestly still impressed by the movie. The characters showed some range, Animal had a great performance, Fozzie Bear was able to laugh at himself for being a hack comedian. There were plenty of good celebrity cameos within the movie, some more expected than others, I mean really? Mickey Rooney? That was just random!

The songs did a great job in the movie as well, the music producer for the movie was Bret Mckenzie of Flight of the Conchords fame. The songs have a bit of FotC flair to them, while having the Muppets' optimism in them as well. I have a bit of an interest in purchasing the soundtrack, which is something I never do, but the songs were that enjoyable!

I thought that the actors did a great job in the movie, Jason Segel and Amy Adams play the stereotypical bright eyed couple from a stereotypical Small Town in the Midwest, with some little twists, but they do a very good job of playing their very impressionable characters. Chris Cooper, really all that I can say about his performance is "Maniacal Laugh".

I laughed a lot, and as I had already stated I teared up a little bit, so you could say that I laughed and I cried, but the movie made me think a little bit too. I really would recommend the movie to anyone of any age. It really was very enjoyable, and I look forward to the next time that I get to see it. A movie I will most likely be owning when it is released on dvd.

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