Friday, June 10, 2011

X-Men First Class

With this post, I am going to start putting movie reviews into their own posts, no one wants to read through all of my other writing just to see what I thought of a movie.

My Review of X-men: First Class: I really, really, really liked this movie. It really built a great back story to the X-Men. A little bit of it had been previously shown in movies, but this really builds the story up. The performances by Michael Fassbender and James Mcavoy. I also enjoyed Jennifer Lawrence but that might be because she was either wearing a short skirt, or wearing little more than blue paint.

This movie is darker than the previous X-men movies, and really shows the anger and rage, and instability behind the character of Magneto. It also shows the compassion that Charles Xavier tries to instill in all of the fellow mutants. I like that they didn't use all of the same old characters that had been used. They introduced some characters that I was previously unaware of. They did make reference to some of the better known characters if you pay close attention to the movie. This movie has a lot of drama, as well as relationship building to it, as well as teenagers searching for their true identity, which I think we can all relate to.

I think most people who wanted to see this movie, have done so, or have plans to do so. If you are still on the fence, I say go see it. It was not quite what I had expected, but it was very enjoyable, and it passed my expectations.

I also enjoyed hearing Kevin Bacon speak German in this movie. I usually enjoy getting to listen to some German in just about anything at all.

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