Sunday, January 5, 2014

Peter's Cooking Diary: Christmas Edition

Well this is definitely a bit of a belated post, I just haven't felt like sitting down and writing about my Christmas until today. Because of Christmas falling on a Wednesday, I didn't really feel like traveling too far for it. I had also seen all of my family members quite recently, so I thought I would have a more laid back Christmas with my friend Shealaina, because we both enjoy cooking. We were brainstorming ideas of what to make for the meal, and ended up with an interesting combination, that thankfully was not too heavy!

I started off with some sparkling cider, and my friend had some wine. I don't drink so sparkling juice of some kind is my celebratory drink of choice.

The snacking spread of veggies, cheeses, crackers, and smoked salmon dip. It was a good set of foods to snack on before and while we were preparing the actual food.

Sauteing some onions and garlic for the start of the pasta sauce, then added a little bit of red wine to deglaze the pan. To the pan I added a can of crushed tomatoes, Italian seasoning, and some fresh basil and let it simmer on low for about an house to let the flavors combine. After the simmering I added some Romano cheese to the sauce and it was ready.

I really wish I would have taken more pictures of the actual process, but this is actually homemade pasta under the sauce. My friend has a pasta maker so she mixed up some pasta and ran it through, I helped just a little bit. The pasta and sauce were great together, and like I said before it wasn't too filling of a meal, which left enough room for dessert.

My friend is the best, she also has her own brule torch, so for dessert we had some homemade creme brule which was my first time ever having it.

My creme brule, and it was amazing! I hope everyone had a great Christmas, I definitely enjoyed mine and enjoyed that it was nice and relaxed as well.

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