Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Diet Log Weeks #13 and 14

Well it has been a slow few weeks for weight loss. I lost a little, but I am going to incorporate new items to my usual workouts in order to add some muscle and burn fat faster.

My numbers for the last 2 weeks have totaled:
2.8 lbs lost
0 inches lost

I am over 50 lbs lost now!
I am up to 33.38% of my goal weight loss reached.

While 2.8 lbs in 2 weeks is nothing negative, it just wasn't anything amazing. I want to lose more than that so I will need to make some additions to my routine.

The additions are kettlebell swings 3 times a week, and 2 different types of crunches. I can already feel the difference from the kettlebell swings, it really worked my legs, back, shoulders, and arms. I will slowly build up the number of reps/set and the number of total reps per workout. It honestly does not take that much time to do, and it feels good to be slightly sore from those exercises. It makes it seem like I am making progress.

I will hopefully show an increase in weight loss for next week

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