Saturday, September 3, 2011

Update on my Life

Well I probably should have written about this a little bit sooner, but I have been settling in here for about a week. Here of course is now Green Bay, Wisconsin. I applied for, interviewed for, and accepted a position at Humana. For those who don't know Humana is a health insurance company that is based in Louisville, Kentucky. From what I have learned in my week of working this is one of the few companies in the health insurance industry that really puts an emphasis on quality customer service. I have really enjoyed my first week and a day in Green Bay. I have seen some of my friends, and I have already started working on making some new friends.

I really had needed a change of scenery from Eau Claire, I had been there for too long, and really didn't have a bright future there. I have friends that I will miss there, but just about every one of my friends from college was long gone from the area. I had become more and more accustomed to just being mostly a loner. I definitely let my social anxiety get the best of me for quite a while. I don't even know how many of you know that I had some pretty bad social anxiety, but I do, and it is something I really hid behind at times in the past.

I decided that it was time for a change in my life, so I had been applying for jobs in the cities mostly. I was chatting with my friend Matt one day, and he said he might have something I would be interested in, so he forwarded me to a job opening at Humana in Green Bay(he works at Humana as well, at a different center), I applied for the job, and had a phone interview the following week, and an in person interview the week after. the longest part of the process was actually waiting to hear back about the job, which took 2 whole weeks. I only had about a week to get all of my arrangements in order. I was luckily able to find an apartment that I liked at first, but I actually like it more and more each day, it already feels very comfortable.

On top of needing to change jobs, and scenery, I really wanted to get myself out of a rut. I think I was a little bit reserved in the first few days of training, but the last few days I have been my more open positive self. I have really spent time getting to know some of my training partners, and I am actually going to attend a grill out at one of their houses on Sunday. I went out to happy hour to hang out with a few of the guys, and met one of their wives, and they invited me over on Sunday. I really liked hanging out with them, and getting to talk to them outside of work. I need to be more open about meeting new people, and limit myself at all. I personally think that I should be welcoming of all people who would like to be my friend. I am  in a new place, and making more friends right now would definitely not hurt.

Part of me really wants to find a girl that I can hang out with, but the other side of me really wants to just make friends in general. I guess I am a bit lonely, I have not been on a date since I think March. I have been on a self imposed hiatus since then. I really don't know if this is something I should really jump right into right away anyway. I would really like to make sure I do well during this training and learn as much as I can before I am officially out on the floor.

I have been told that the call center I will be working in has a much larger number of girls than guys, and I kind of noticed that myself today when I was there. There are some that really fit right into my type, it I do indeed have one, although I don't know if I would like to date someone at work again, who knows.

I should really wrap this up, because it is past 2am and I am just dead tired. I think I am going to really like my job, I really like helping people solve problems. I have already made big strides in stepping out of my comfort zone. I think moving to Minnesota would have been my safety net, but I think I really prefer the decision that I made, at least so far. I am actually doing amazingly psychologically right now as well. I really hope this gives you a good glimpse of my past week or so. Let me know if you have any questions.

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