Friday, May 4, 2012

The Avengers

I literally just got home from watching the movie, I still have thoughts swirling in my head about the movie. I don't think I could have dreamed up a way of doing that movie better. I guess there is a reason i am not a screen writer huh? Although I think Joss Whedon is above the game in that respect as well. He has written what are my 2 favorite movies so far this year, The Cabin in the Woods is the other.

There is so much to say about this movie. I really do not think there is not a moment in the movie that is dull. There is action, there is tension, there is laughter to break the tension, and there is great dialogue. All of those things put together in one movie is why I really want to give credit to Joss Whedon and Zak Penn.

Beyond the good writing, I also think just about everyone had a good performance in this movie. I did not notice any poor performances. I still think Tom Hiddleston does a great job as Loki, with such an evil smile. I think there was good chemistry between all of the stars, and some great tension in the movie between the Avengers as well.

The movie does an amazing job of painting each of the characters in their own lights, with their own strengths and imperfections. The movie is so balanced and, with its ensemble cast, does an amazing job of keeping balance. No one character shines above the others, it is a true team effort. The team of course is even larger now with the addition of The Black Widow and Hawkeye. Jeremy Renner is in everything these days!

I really think what makes the movie a cut above the rest is how it combines all of these things together. There are several large laughs which are not what you would normally expect out of action movies. I definitely tend to enjoy action movies that can include a decent amount of humor, it might have actually been my biggest issue with Transformers 2, there was not much humor, and it is not hard at all to make me laugh, run on sentence much?

I think it is awesome what they were able to do with a movie like this, every single person knows how this movie will end going in, yet it is very compelling the whole way through. The movie takes a wonderful course to its conclusion.

In all honesty, I highly doubt my words are going to get anyone to see the movie. If you saw and liked the other Marvel movies of recent times, then definitely go see this. If that is not your cup of tea, then I highly doubt you have read this far. There is of course another scene after the credits that, for me, was worth a big laugh. There is also a reference to the villain who will be in the next movie, but I am uncertain who that character is at this time.

I really was hoping for some sort of reference to Ant Man or the Wasp, but alas there was none. I hope Edgar Wright is still signed up to write that movie, which would make it a must see movie for me personally.

I wanted to post an updated ranking of the recent generation of marvel movies:

The Avengers
X-Men First Class
Iron Man
Captain America
The Incredible Hulk
Iron Man 2
X-Men Origins: Wolverine