Thursday, June 26, 2014

22 Jump Street

Holy shit this movie was awesome, I think it actually outdid the first movie, and I quite enjoyed the first one. This movie earned my love early on when they had an open and blatant discussion about how sequels are never as good as the originals. I really enjoyed the self awareness and the meta moments in the movie.

The movie was a parody of action movie sequels while also being a great sequel to the first movie. I really thought the writing in this movie was really well done. Lots of the background things are jokes in themselves, such as the cadence the quarterback is calling out includes the words color and number in the actual cadence not colors of numbers. The movie also pokes fun at the buddy cop genre a bit, and their needing to make it clear that the people aren't gay repeatedly, the movie version of saying no homo. Someone in the movie says in Ice Cube's presence "that looks like a giant ice cube." There were also jokes in the movie about how they had double the budget, and also commentary about how they were running low on the budget.

The movie was able to have some quality action like the first movie, but also had many huge laughs. I actually teared up a few times from crying in this movie, and I guarantee that I missed some of the jokes from the movie because I was still laughing at the previous jokes. I will need to watch the movie again to get more of the jokes and possible background gags.

I don't want to give away any of the details twists and turns in the movie, I will say that some are much more predictable than others. I called one of them out right away, but one of the others was a little less obvious to me.

I think that all of the performances in this movie are quite entertaining, they even brought back some randoms from the first movie that you wouldn't have thought would be back in this one. Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum in particular really take over the movie, and Ice Cube is great in his scenes again.

I will say all of these positive things about the movie, but everyone should know what they are getting into, there are many low brow jokes in this movie. It is quite the entertaining movie, but it really isn't a high minded movie at all. If you saw the first movie, you will know what to expect from for the level of humor in this movie. There are a few call backs to the first movie, including a covalent bonds mention.

All in all I had to rank this movie in the middle of the pack of the movies I have seen this year, I would honestly see any of these movies in the theaters again. It has been a good year all around for movies when I didn't think there would be that many that I would like. I would rate all of these movies as a B or higher on a grading scale, now coming up I might see the new Transformers movie, but it depends on where the rotten tomatoes rating lies.

2014 Movie Rankings:
1. Captain America: The Winter Soldier
2. How To Train Your Dragon 2
3. 22 Jump Street
4. X-Men: Days of Future Past
5. The Lego Movie

Monday, June 16, 2014

How to Train your Dragon 2

Wow, this movie really hit the feels hard! It was honestly a movie that would be wonderful to have seen with your father over this past father's day weekend. I was really excited for this movie for a few reasons, first I really enjoyed the first movie, it ranks up there as one of my favorite animated movies, I liked the performances, I liked the story, I liked the visuals. Second, they took their time with this movie as a sequel. Nothing is worse than a studio rushing a sequel into production because the first movie did so well. There was a gap of 4 years between the release of the first movie to the release of the 2nd movie, allowing enough time for actual writing to get done.

This is the first movie that I actually regretted not seeing in 3D, I didn't see the original in 3D either, but I feel like the movie would have looked great in 3D, I will have to see if any of my friends see it in 3D and how they felt. In general I find it a waste of money, but once in a while something could be good in 3D.

So the entire cast returned from the original movie as well as some new additions including Cate Blanchett and Djimon Hounsou not like they are famous actors or anything. Also joining the cast was Kit Harrington who is also known as Jon Snow from Game of Thrones, who I thought did an amazing job with his character.

Because I am writing this so close to the release of the movie I really don't want to give away any of the details of it. There are lots of great twists and turns that were quite enjoyable, as well as emotional. Holy cow did I get choked up during this movie, and not just once, but several times. I am not one to get choked up or tear up during a movie, but damn this movie got to me. I may have teared up more during this movie than during any other movie I can remember, just go into it knowing that.

With all of that said, this movie was awesome, the action is beautiful, there are sufficient laughs, the characters definitely grow, and it might even rival the first movie in quality. I don't know if I could recommend this movie highly enough, if you have kids, take them to this movie, enjoy it with them, just make sure you are there for them during the emotional parts.

Unrelated to the movie itself, but related to movies in general, I was not thinking this year would be all that exciting when it comes to movies, but I have seen 4 very good movies already this year, with a few more that are in theaters now, I have been quite impressed with all of those that I have seen, hopefully that trend continues.

I put this movie in 2nd place for this year, I really could not think of anything I would change about it, it might not quite have reached the intensity of Captain America 2, this movie is a very good all around movie, and I would guess it is the front runner for the animated film Oscar as of this time.

2014 Movie Rankings:
1. Captain America: The Winter Soldier
2. How To Train Your Dragon 2
3. X-Men: Days of Future Past
4. The Lego Movie

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Garfunkel and Oates

Garfunkel and Oates are a comedy music duo that I have liked for quite a long time. They have had so many wonderful songs that I listen to quite regularly. The duo is made up of Riki Lindhome and Kate Miccuci both of whom are actresses that have been in many random shows and movies. I first heard of them on various comedy podcasts both playing songs as well as just comedy guests.

I wanted to write about them because they have a show coming out on IFC later this summer. I have been searching, but there is not a specific start date from what I can find. They are doing 10 episodes, and I trust in the creativity and humor that they will no doubt have in there show. Ben Savage is actually producing and directing the show, yes that same Ben Savage, he has become quite the comedy producer and director over the years including but not limited to episodes of Party Down, 2 Broke Girls, and Its Always Sunny to name a few. The limited series will allow Riki and Kate to write more of the stuff themselves while not changing the voice of the show.

I thought I would include a few of their songs in this post for people to enjoy for those interested they are NSFW and mom you probably wouldn't enjoy them so much:

I will stop at 4 videos, but feel free to search on YouTube for them, they have probably about a couple dozen videos out there, and I think the are hilarious as well as great at writing dirty rhymes.