Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Hunger Games

I recently started reading the books of this series, I am currently a bit over half done with the 2nd. I really enjoyed what I have read, and I enjoyed the movie, but I didn't think it was that great of an adaptation of the book. There were so many details that were either changed, or left out completely. A few of the huge laughs the movie could have had were cut out completely. The character of Haymitch definitely does not have his shit together, at least not in the first half or so of the book.

I understand that not every item can be included in the book, but there is just so much more going on. I wish there would have been a way to include some of the inner monologue that is in the book, it is easy to overdo it, but so much of the information that adds to the story was completely left out from the movie. I think the movie could have done an even better job of getting people to like Katniss if it had included even more of her perspective.

I thought Jennifer Lawrence did a great job of playing Katniss, can't fault her for doing a good job, even if I thought the structure of the movie could have been a little bit different. You couldn't even tell that Elizabeth Banks was the person who plays Effie, which is a good thing she was definitely good at embodying the character. I was worried that Lenny Kravitz wouldn't do that good of a job, because when has he ever acted in anything? I actually liked what he did as Cinna.

Well the following could be spoilers, but the following are items I would have liked to see in the movie:
They barely even showed Haymitch drunk, He didn't take his tumble off the stage, nor did he slip in his own mess on the train.
Without the inner Monologue, you don't know that decorating Rue's body was an act of rebellion by Katniss.
They left out District 11 sending bread to Katniss as thanks for helping Rue.
They left out lots of other gifts.
They left out Katniss almost dying of dehydration early on.
The dog creatures were supposed to be wolf creatures with resemblances to each of the dead tributes.
The Mocking Jay pin was a gift from Madge in the book, which gains even more meaning in the 2nd book.

I am sure there are many other things that could have been better as well, but I will stop here for now.
I would give the movie a B overall. I would give it a C- for the adaptation of the actual book though.
The guy who plays Gale totally looks like Joe Mauer.