Sunday, August 28, 2011

Diet Log Weeks #9 and 10

Well I am finally able and willing to sit down and write all of this stuff down. This will be a pretty short and sweet entry that will have the data from 2 weeks.

2 weeks ago, it was a stressful week that involved me driving over to Green Bay and back in one day, which cant be good for trying to burn calories. I had also cheated and had a dilly bar, this was not in a normal situation, it was a gong away party in my honor at work, and everyone brought sweet treats, I felt that I had to have something.

Numbers for week 9:
Net weight lost: 3
Net inches lost: 1 inch
Total Weight lost: 37.4
Total inches lost: 24.5

This past week had been stressful, but it also contained a lot of physical activity. I had cut my cable and internet off early so I had very little to do in the evenings, other than going for a walk.  I also managed to load and unload all of the things that I own into and out of a U-haul within the same day. I have been physically tired since then. I still have some unpacking to do, and I need to find a new outdoor walking route here.

Even though I moved me cheat day up to Saturday from Sunday, I was able to have a pretty good week. Without much ado, here are the results from this past week:

Net weight lost: 2.8 lbs
Net inches lost: 3 inches
Total weight lost: 40.2 lbs
Total inches lost: 27.5 inches

Net Percentages:
Net percentage of my goal weight lost: 23.26%
Net percentage of my total weight lost: 9.5%

I will be over 25% of my goal weight lost, and over 10% of my body weight lost.

1 comment:

  1. You're doing a really good job Peter! I hope you like it in green bay.
