Friday, April 15, 2011

Writey Mcwriterson

Yesterday when I got to work at the office, I went to sit down in my chair and I split my pants. Now these were not a new pair of pants, they had been worn down by my thunder thighs, I knew their structure had been weakened, but didn't think they would rip then. I had not ripped a pair of pants in a similar fashion(overuse) in quite a while. I guess its just time for the changing of the guard. Old Pants, I salute you!

I have started a new blog dedicated just to sports, It still needs to be refined, and I will probably adjust the layout, but its located here:

I will be writing there about as regularly as I do here, if not more regularly. The posts will probably be shorter, and will contain mostly just my thoughts on whats been going on in the world of sports. I am probably going to be explaining some of the advanced metrics that are used in baseball, that some people might not understand. I would love to have some back and forth discussing but that will take some time I am sure.

I have been a bigger guy for as long as I can remember, but now is the time for me to slim down some. I don't think I will ever be skinny, but I would love to just lose some weight. I have ordered a new diet book that I heard about on one of the many podcasts that I listen to. The book is called the 4 Hour Body. I have only heard some discussion about it. I think a lot of it will be based on eating healthier things at home. It has also been refer ed to as the slow carb diet. Not no carbs, but slow. I look forward to receiving it from Amazon sometime in the near future. A lot of the diet involves around having lots of filling lean protein, such as beans. It also encourages eating lots of vegetables.

I think at times this diet will be hard, but one of my biggest food problems is that I am just so addicted to sweets. I have a mouth full of sweet teeth. I need to find a way to not eat sweets, or at least give them a great reduction in my diet.

While waiting for the book, I have decided to start making some foods that are different, but will be very filling and healthy:

For Breakfast today I made black beans, sweet corn, spinach, onion, garlic, seasoning, and some scrambled eggs, it could have used a big more seasoning, maybe some taco seasoning even. I really feel very satisfied right now.

Tomorrow I am planning on making a lentil and vegetable soup. It will be lentils, onion, garlic, carrots, kale, leeks, jalapeno for a little heat, and celery. I will probably add some curry powder as well. I am kind of combining 3 different recipes as has been my MO(Modus Operandi), I just don't like following a single recipe. I like making things my own.

My ankle has been bothering me a lot lately, ever since I played tennis with my brother. I think it just gets painful when I stand on it for too long, but that isn't good because one of my jobs is me standing up all day! Oh well I have found ways to deal with it.

I have found myself reading more lately, than I had in the past. I think its something I always enjoyed doing, but would choose other things over it. Now that I have some time on my hands I am not just using it to watch TV as had been the case in the past. I have a few new books that I would like to read, with 2 more on the way, but I am currently reading a book from the library. I needed a change

Zombie. Spaceship. Wasteland. By Patton Oswalt- The first of the books that I bought myself for my birthday. Patton is one of my favorite comedians, he covers many great topics, and is just so intelligent. I liked the book, but I didn't love it. Its a bunch of unrelated essays that he wrote. Some of them were great, and others just didn't hit with me. If you are a fan of him I would recommend that you check it out, but otherwise its up to you.

Sleepwalk With Me. By Mike Birbiglia--I loved this book. Mike Birbiglia is one of my favorite comedians as well and I can just hear him saying the words as written in the book. You learn a lot about his life. There are so many good laughs in this book, and he even mentions doing a show at UW-Eau Claire, which I thought was cool. I would recommend that everyone check this book out. I stayed up way past my bed time reading it on a few occasions.

Ice Cream  Recommendation: Maple Blondie, Hanah Teter's flavor from Ben and Jerry's. I love the maple flavors in this ice cream, the blondies inside are not that great, but maple ice cream and the maple carmel are both awesome. The blondies are not bad, just aren't as chewy as I had hoped. I needed to try something new.

Well I am going to wrap this up, I have been writing it on and off all day.

Peace out y'all.

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