Monday, September 5, 2011

Diet Log Week #11

Another week in the books with another good number on my weight loss. I had been exhausted all week, because of getting up early for work every day, so I didn't exercise as much as I should have. I will do more this week, I might join the gym at work, we will see about that.

Something I had learned in The 4 Hour Body that I had not yet really had a chance to use, making yourself be cold can help burn fat because your body is forced to produce more heat than it otherwise could. This can be done by taking cold showers regularly, which I really don't like, or you could take walks outside in the cold in nothing but a tshirt and shorts, which I can and will be doing.

Lets get down to the numbers for this week:
Net weight lost this week: 4.6lbs
Net Inches lost this week: 1 inch
Total weight lost to date: 44.8lbs
Total inches lost to date: 28.5 inches

I am now up to 29.3% of my goal weight loss.
I have lost 10.6% of my total weight.

1 comment:

  1. I knew it!! I'm always telling people that being cold burns calories and they would just laugh at me!
