Monday, September 12, 2011

Diet Log Week #12

Even though I said I was going to exercise more last week, I didn't. It was still a good week numbers-wise but it should have been better. This week I have already worked out as much as last week with a walk on saturday night, and a jog on Sunday ngiht, and I will be going out pretty soon here tonight. I can run much longer distances than I used to be able to, but I would like to be even better. I am still terrible at running, but less terrible than before.

I have been getting into a groove when it comes to making food. I have made chili for the 2nd time this summer/fall already, its just so good, and it works so well with my diet. I have also been having marinated chicken breasts on top of salads pretty regularly. I mad a turkey meatloaf with some steamed veggies to enjoy as well. I might need to make some adjustments if these things get old. I can always switch to tuna salads as well, but might want to do that at home and not at work, for fear of stinky tuna breath.

The numbers for this past week:
Net weight lost this week: 3.4 lbs
Total weight lost to date: 48.2 lbs
Inches lost this week: 0
Total inches lost: 29.5 inches

Percent of target weight loss: 31.5%
Percent of bodyweight lost: 11.4%

I am over 30% of the way to my goal number for weight loss, which is just a percentage, I would like to be over a third of the way there by the end of this week. I have lost over 10% of my total bodyweight, and I am just getting started with this. These amazing numbers just continue to encourage me to keep going and push harder.