Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Diet log Week #15

Well I have started using my kettlebell, as well as some new kinds of crunches. I need to work those all in on a regular basis, not just once or twice a week.  I would like to do them every other day and walk/jog every day on top of that.

My entry this week will be pretty short.
I lost 3 lbs this week
Up to a total of 54 lbs lost

I am now up to 35.34% of my target weight loss.

I post these diet logs on twitter just Like I post them on Facebook. One of my followers had mentioned that she also wanted to lose weight. We made a "bet" to see who could lose 23% body weight the fastest. So this will be a number going forward from this most recent weigh in. I need to lost 85 lbs to lose 23% of my current body weight. I think it really is just a way of pushing each other to keep working hard, not really a bet. There is nothing actually on the line. We both just want to live healthier. I will update this regularly as well as all of the other numbers.

That is all for this week.