Thursday, January 5, 2012

Year End Wrap-up

This is just a wrap up of my year, a year in review for my life. I guess this post is quite self indulgent, but I feel like writing it anyway, oh well.

My year started the way the previous 2 had been, working 2 jobs, not really making that much money, but just trudging along anyway. I liked my jobs, but they were not things I would be doing forever, for one reason or another. both had been great for me in different ways, but I was growing restless with them.

It has been a year of change for me, but that change didn't really begin until I finally found a diet plan to stick with  I started my diet at the end of June of this year, following an adjusted version of the slow carb diet found in The 4 Hour body by Tim Ferriss, the main difference is that I am not paying $100+ for supplements each month, I am ok with slower weight loss, I didn't think it would be a quick thing at all. The longer it takes me, the more it will help me in my mind, well to a certain extent. As of the writing of this entry I have lost 76.6 lbs in total, which is 18.11% of my previous total weight. I am approximately 4/5 the man I once was, my goal is to lose a little over 40% of my previous body weight, which would be my biggest accomplishment of my life. I am 44% of the way to my overall weight loss goal, and it has only been about 6 months in doing so. I have not had a single week where I gained weight, there have been weeks where i was disappointed how little I had lost, but no relapses to discourage me. I look forward to continuing this trend in 2012.

My life has also changed a bit in that I have a full time job, and that I am living in a new city. I decided I did not want to live the rest of my life working 2 part time jobs, not making all that much money. I was not exactly happy with how everything was going there either. I began job searching in late July, but really didn't find much other than sales and other solicitation type jobs. I am much more comfortable in a customer service position, as it is pretty much all I have done with my working life.

I asked if my friends new of any jobs that I would be good at, and a friend of mine, Matt Lemon, told me there were openings in the area he used to be in. I applied, and the rest, as they say, is history. I am now working as a customer service representative for HumanaOne insurance. I enjoy the job, I genuinely enjoy helping people, and I actually make nearly double what I had been making previously.

I have already been making friends in the Green Bay area, and am genuinely happy with my life I have there. I look forward to see what 2012 will bring in my life.

Happy Holidays to all!

1 comment:

  1. It has been a big year for you and I am happy to hear that you like your new life in GB! I agree that your weight loss is your biggest accomplishment and I am very proud that you have not given up. I'm also glad that you are closer and I can see you more often!

