Sunday, April 28, 2013

Pain & Gain

This is definitely not the type of movie that I would normally see in the theater, it isn't even the type of movie that I would watch on HBO given the chance. I wanted to check to see if I could still dislike a movie that I saw in the theater, the last movie I saw and hated was another Michael Bay movie, Transformers 2. I gave the movie the benefit of the doubt, it seemed like it had the potential to be entertaining, and I liked the trailer with Thrift Shop playing in it. Well here is a spoiler, THRIFT SHOP ISN'T EVEN IN THE MOVIE! Sorry for yelling, but this is not going to be a positive review.

I will start off with a similar issue that I had with Transformers 2, this movie is at its most boring when the action is happening. Michael Bay has mastered the art of turning action into intelligible crap! Once again, similarly to Transformers 2, the action shots cut too quickly and are not generally well shot that my eyes just tend to lose focus on the movie. I think that is something that is not just happening to me, he doesn't understand ho optics of the eyes work in relation to movies, just not good at life.

The story in itself was not bad, it was presented as a true story, not sure how much has changed, but it would appear that the elements have not changed all that much from the story to the screen because the story is just so mundane and boring.

I liked a lot of the actors in this movie, Mark Wahlberg has made some great comedic movies in recent years so I tried with this one, and I just couldn't like it. The Rock was my favorite part of the movie, but it was more because of the silly things they have him wearing than his actual performance. Its all "Hey look the Rock is wearing a funny shirt!" for the most part. I love Rebel Wilson, but her character is hardly in the movie. Her funniest scene comes right before the credits. There are  some other character actors in the movie, but no good performances compared to other films in their careers.

I think the sound track was the best part, with lots of songs from the mid 90's Ganster's Paradise was the one that I remembered, but I enjoyed that part at least.

My advice is to not spend a cent on this movie, save your money for something better. Don't see it in a theater, budget theater, don't even pay to rent it, wait for HBO or cable if even that.

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