Thursday, April 18, 2013

Life Update 04/18/2013

Well it sure have been a long time since I have written anything on here, but I have recently felt the urge, even if it is a short post, I will likely be writing a bit more frequently in the near future.

Well the first thing to update on here, I am no longer in a relationship. I still feel like I am transitioning into my own place, but that is only because I haven't been here long enough. I don't really want to get into this too much, but if you know me personally I will gladly discuss it that way.

Anyway, so since the breakup I have been allowing myself to indulge with food, which of course has always been my biggest weakness. I do feel that I need to really establish some plan, especially one that does not have as much sugar in it. I guess I just felt that writing it out on here would help me stick to it more.

The main exclusions from this plan are no white starches, no bread, no potatoes, no rice. Now there are some exceptions to these exclusions that will be made occasionally. I am planning to make pot roast over the weekend, and I think that pot roast should have some potatoes along with it. I am planning lean protein and vegetables, similar to what I had done before, but I would also include fruit and yogurt on top of that. I don't think I need sweets on a day to day basis, especially if I incorporate a few natural sweets on my own. I really just need to recommit myself to this type of thing. Exceptions will be made, but I need to get out of the attitude of being able to eat junk all of the time, I need to focus on something that is sustainable.

Its not that I am desperate to lose weight or anything like that. I like the feeling of progress, and the feeling of being able to lose some weight, I would love to get down below 300 lbs by the end of the year, so that is the goal I am setting right now. I want to keep going in the positive direction. I really wish this weather would be better outside, so I could go running outside, but the weather this "spring" has just been lousy. I have been walking a lot at work, and I will be playing on a softball team this spring, but there is just something about running outside that is so therapeutic for me.

I guess just post is less about my life, and more about me recommitting to cutting down on the sweets, and trying to continue to improve myself.

Thanks for reading, I am planning to get this thing up and running more frequently again soon.

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