Tuesday, June 25, 2013

This is the End

I need to start this post by stating that I think I might have been the exact target audience for this movie, with the exception of me not being a pot smoker. What I mean by that is I have seen just about all of the movies involving these actors, and even before they were in movies the tv shows like Freaks and Geeks, and Undeclared, and I still love most of them. I knew the actors in this movie, even the smaller ones who weren't in the movie all that much. So going in, I think the cards were kind of stacked in my favor, I was probably a bit predisposed to liking this movie.

With that little preamble to this post, I absolutely loved this movie, to the extent that I want to see it again. The movie has lots of good laughs, some good jumpy/scary moments, and some enjoyable caricatures.

This movie did a really good job of combining the humor with the horror and the action. It is still a comedy first, but there is a strong element of horror mixed in. I laughed so hard that I teared up a few times during the movie, many big laughs in the movie.

This is the first movie directed by writing partners Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg, they have written a few movies, my favorite coming into this was Superbad, but they had not previously directed a movie, so this was a bit of an experiment for them.

I think that this is definitely the best written movie they have done, although I guess its not known how much of the movie was actually written and how much was ad libbed on the spot. Once the characters were a bit defined I think they probably let the actors go with it a little bit.

The whole movie is these guys making fun of themselves, like I said before, they are caricatures of themselves. Taking what the public perception of them is and making fun of it. I loved Jonah Hill's character the most, just so wonderfully condescending especially to Jay Baruchel. I loved how all of the guys got to make fun of each other in the movie too, not only the actors making fun of themselves, but their friends as well. James Franco actually painted all of the paintings that are found in his house, which definitely poke fun at his perceived pretentiousness, thats a word right?

I could not recommend this movie more, I think this is my favorite movie so far this year, I will discuss that more below. I went to the movie with my friend Matt, and he didn't quite like the movie as much. The difference in our movie tastes is that I definitely lean much more towards comedies than he does, he liked it but thought it was weird. I like weirdness in a movie. I think the fact that this movie was weird and in my opinion very original is what sold me on it. Not only are the actors playing fake versions of themselves, but they are doing so in an apocalyptic situation. To me this movie seemed quite a bit like Ghostbusters, combining humor and horror so well, I must admit I am not the one who came up with that comparison, but i agree with it. If you have interest in this movie, definitely go see it, then talk to me about it.

To end this post I am introducing my movie rankings which I will adjust and put at the bottom of each new movie post that I see, then I will likely do a year end wrap up post:

5. Pain & Gain- just terrible, fuck Michael Bay
4. World War Z-  not bad, not great, a decent popcorn movie
3. Iron Man 3- Well above Iron Man 2 in my book, but didn't reach the quality of the first Iron Man
2. Star Trek Into Darkness- Really enjoyed the movie, liked it more than the first
1. This Is the End- Humor is what boostedn This is the End above Star Trek, humor is what really gets me

Monday, June 24, 2013

Peter's Cooking Diary #5

I just wanted to start this of with a little bit of an update on my diet, I haven't really been gaining any weight, but I also haven't been losing any, so I thought I would adjust it back to the original slow carb diet that I had so much success with in the past. I am only on the 2nd day of it really, but I know it can work, and I just know I need to stick with it for a while. I also think that I will take it easy on cheat days, where as I used to just go nuts til I almost puked. I know I will still crave sweets, but I got through it for quite a long time successfully before, I also know that my exercise level will be much higher than it was when I went off the diet last time.

I would really love to reach my goal of being down to 300 lbs by the end of the year, I know thats a lot of weight to drop, but I really think I can do it. I just need to try harder, and really focus myself on the goal.  I went to Chipotle today for dinner, which I think will be my go to restaurant for dinner if I need to go out, its not too pricey. I get a burrito bowl with no rice, a scoop of each beans, carnitas, medium salsa and corn salsa, sour cream, cheese, and guacamole. It tastes amazing every time I have it.

I am reluctant to say that I just completely forgot to take any pictures of the food I cooked this week. I will really try to take better pictures next time.

To start things off this week, I made another batch of the over roasted sweet corn that I had mentioned last week. I was lucky to get the corn on a great sale at the local grocery store, this time I inspected it at the store, and actually shucked it in the store, so I didn't have to worry about the mess at home. They have bins to put the husks into next to the corn for a reason. This corn turned out a little bit better, and I gave it a squeeze of lime along with a little bit of cilantro.

To go with the corn I made some cuban style black beans in the slow cooker with smoked ham hocks which go a long way to adding salt and smoky flavor to the beans, along with the seasonings of cumin and oregano. I have made this same recipe of black beans before, and I really can't think of a way to make the recipe any better, you win this round America's Test Kitchen! *shakes fist*

The last thing I made this week was some marinated chicken breasts to go on top of salads. I like buying the marinated chicken breasts from the meat department at the grocery store, this week they happened to be on sale. I was going to marinate my own, which I will have to do some time, just so I know how to do it.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

World War Z- 3 Ways

This is going to be a first for me, I am going to discuss the book, the audiobook, and the movie, in the order that in which I consumed them.

World War Z by Max Brooks
As some back ground information for those who may not know, Max Brooks is the son of Mel Brooks and Anne Bancroft, this book definitely has a sense of humor to it, while also taking its subject matter seriously.

This book is one of my favorites, and it really has such a creative style. The book follows the gatherings of an investigator appointed by the UN to gather information about the world events leading up to and during the zombie outbreak.

The Narrator speaks with important people from all over the world who tell their stories of survival and in some cases how they were able to fight back against the enemy. The different characters reflect a lot of elements of different cultures as well as social critiques of our modern times.

I really don't want to tell too much about the book, but I would definitely advise anyone who likes zombies or who might be remotely interested to read the book. It is very well written and really gives an amazing perspective into this hypothetical event. After going through all of this, I think I might want to go back and read the book again, but if someone wants to read it, I might be willing to lend my copy out.

World War Z the Unabridged Audiobook
I don't have all that much experience listening to audiobooks, I remember listening to some on long road trips as a kid, but more recently I haven't really listened to any. So why did someone who hasn't really listened to audiobooks at all actually buy this audiobook? I think it has to be the fact that I loved the book, in combination with the cast they got to participate in the reading of the book.

I really think this audio book is more of what Max Brooks imagined than an actual movie, because the conversations that occur in the book would not be all that enthralling in movie format, it would have been cool if they did it in a miniseries on a channel like HBO with acting out of some of the scenes with the characters as Voiceover.

As I had mentioned the cast was great, the narrator of the book is Max Brooks himself, some of the people involved include Nathan Fillion, Simon Pegg, Masi Oka, Martin Scorsese, Rob Reiner, Carl Reiner, Henry Rollins, Jeri Ryan, Alan Alda, and many more voices. The story is told almost in an Orson Wellesian style, it gets very intense at times, and even a little bit emotional.

If you are someone like me and you spend a lot of time listening to an audio device, at work, or at home, it was worth the purchase of around $20 on iTunes. The run time is nearly 13 hours, so that is quite a good bang for the buck.

World War Z the movie
I was a bit skeptical of whether or not I would like the movie for a few reasons, the main reason being that the book involves the traditional slow zombie, but the movie actually contains a fast zombie, which for a zombie purist, like Max Brooks, is a no-no.

I guess I really need to look at the movie in to different ways, first as an adaptation of the book, and second as a movie overall.

As an adaptation of the book, I would give the movie an E for effort, but that is really as high as I can go on the grading scale. They tried to incorporate some things from the book, while also take some of those things and completely messing them up, and taking them in the exact opposite direction that they go in the book. I just can't recommend that people take the movie as an adaptation of the book at all.

As an actually movie, I quite enjoyed World War Z. I didn't love it, but it was an action movie, that was able to keep my attention, and action movies don't do that all that well. There are some very interesting action sequences, and some other dramatic scenes involving family. Overall I would probably give the movie a grade in the B-/C+ something in that range. It definitely doesn't have as much introspection and social commentary as the content of the books/audiobook. I know they are planning to make more movies in this storyline, I think they are planning to make a trilogy out of it, I am very interested to see what direction they will go with those other movies.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Peter's Cooking Diary #4

Well this week I wanted to try something new, I have eaten wheatberries before, but haven't ever cooked with them. For those who don't know what wheatberries are, they are the actual whole intact wheat grain, the bran, germ, and endosperm all together in one piece. They are not all that hard to find, I found them in the natural food section of the grocery store I like to shop at, and nearly 2 lbs was less than $4, so not too pricey either.

Cooking wheatberries takes a long time, the recipe on the package doesn't even have a time listed on it. All in all I think the cooking time for me was about 50 minutes, which is quite a while, but luckily its just a low simmer on the stove, not the most active cooking. Here is a picture of what they looked like when they were done cooking:

Its not too clear of a shot, but it looks quite a bit like puffed wheat. I cooked it so it was not completely soft, I liked it with a little bit of chewy texture to it.

To go along with the wheatberries, I made some taco meat in my slow cooker, once again using a recipe from my cook book for smoky and spicy ground turkey.

I think the turkey turned out really well after the time in the slow cooker. After it was done cooking, I gave it some time to cool, and then I spooned off some fat that had accumulated, there was some added fat in the turkey and also oil from cooking the vegetables that I had added, its a quick and easy way to reduce your fat intake, as well as lower your calorie intake.

The last component of my meal for this week was oven roasted corn, which was a mini-recipe from my cookbook. Putting the corn under the broiler was quickly able to caramelize the corn a bit.

I sliced the corn off of the cob, and added a little bit of butter and cilantro to it, I will be making my own burrito bowls for lunch with the meat, wheatberries and corn mixed together, with some avocado and salsa on top. Even though I cooked a few different things this week, it was quite effortless cooking.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Peter's Cooking Diary #3

Well last week with the shortened week, I didn't really cook anything special, just cooked some burgers on the stove, because I don't have a grill at all, and then I steamed some broccoli and mashed some cauliflower to go with it. It was good, but nothing really of note to mention in this blog.

For other food I have been eating a lot of hummus and veggies, as well as some cottage cheese, this has constituted whole meals for me as the fiber and protein in there can be quite filling. Another plug for Aldi, they have tubs of hummus for $1.99 with a variety of flavors too. One tub lasts me a week, and I eat a lot of it. They also have cheap avocados available year round. just $.89 each at the grocer store they can be $1.50 or more. And they will go well with my lunch.

For my lunch this week I made slow cooker chicken enchilada tamale pie. Now the recipe comes from my favorite slow cooker cookbook that I have mentioned before in my writings. I had been wanting to make this recipe for a long time, but haven't been able to find instant polenta anywhere! I decided to try the recipe with grits instead, because I really wanted to make it. Now the assembly of this dish is a few stages, first you mix the chicken, enchilada sauce, corn, beans and other ingredients into the pot, and it will look something  like this:

The layer that will be placed on top of this was pretty much a layer of cheesy grits, microwaving grits with some water and salt until the water was absorbed, and then mixed in cheese and butter as per the recipe, then that is spooned on top and of the enchilada mixture, which looks something like this:

Then this is cooked for 4 hours with the lid on, on low, and the goal is to get it to be almost a cornbread topping on top of the enchiladas, but mine didn't turn out that way. There may have been too much moisture in my mixture or something, the grits didn't solidify, then kind of mixed in with the enchilada mixture, and it didn't look too pretty. Even though it didn't look pretty, it was delicious! I have been eating it for my lunches this week.

Even though I was unable to find instant polenta at 2 grocery stores or Target, I actually checked while I was at wal-mart, and they actually have it, so in the future, I will probably try to remake this and actually be able to follow the recipe. I guess the grits I have will just have to be eaten on their own, aww darn.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Star Trek Into Darkness

I really have no other way of starting this post than to say that I loved this movie. I have been thinking about it a lot since I saw it yesterday, and I think I prefer it to the first Star Trek movie in this series. It is close between the two, and I would gladly watch each of them again no question.

For me the action in this movie was amazing. Many times for me, action in movies can be be boring especially if there are many quick cuts and bright flashes of light over and over. It can almost be disorienting, and I think its one of the reasons that Michael Bay movies are just barely watchable for me, if even that. The colors are not too bright in this, the action scenes in many cases show somewhat long shots, not forcing the eyes to adjust and readjust every few seconds. I also was enthralled by the different action scenes, I have not yet heard of any news about a 3rd Star Trek, so I was not sure if any of the main characters could possible die in this one as well.

My previous knowledge of Star Trek is fairly limited, but I have watched the first two movies from the original cast. So I was able to see some of the story parallels to Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan, I appreciated the homage, while also embracing the alternate universe part of it as well. There are elements that are similar to the older movie, but they have been altered in different ways from it as well.

I thought this movie really used all of the different characters to their fullest, and the chemistry between Zachary Quinto and Chris Pine really helped the movie a lot in my book. There were a few good laughs in the movie without it being an all around comedy, the laughs helped to lighten the mood, sometimes right before a big moment in the movie.

I enjoyed the appearance of Alice Eve who I have only seen in She's Out of my League, but really enjoyed the work she did in that. She was actually able to use more of her accent in this one, didn't have to try to hide it under an american accent like she did in the other movie.

I would advise people see both this and Star Trek, they have definitely done a great job of creating a new, yet similar universe for these movies.

I just wanted to also discuss the new Star Wars movies that will also be directed by JJ Abrams here as well. I really like what he has done in his movies, he has done a great job of taking a series with history, and putting his own twist on it. I hope he does something similar to this with the Star Wars movies, there are definitely existing elements in those movies, and a lot of history, but I think he can do his own thing, and he can do what the original Star Wars trilogy did so well. The action was so engaging on the originals, and I have no doubt that JJ Abrams can direct the movies well. I am cautiously optimistic about the new Star Wars series, and I hope Disney can do well with them, like they have done with the Marvel movies. I really would love to see some other Star Wars movies around the books that I loved to read in middle school. It would not be too hard to make movies like Tales of the Bounty Hunters, Tales from a Mos Eisley Cantina, or Tales from Jabba's Palace. I would love to watch them even if they are animated. I wish Shadows of the Empire could have been done with the main cast in their prime, but that is pretty much impossible now. I am looking forward to more Star Wars, and lets be honest, it would be hard to make movies as bad as the prequels again, right?

Iron Man 3

I saw this movie a few weeks back, but haven't really made myself sit down and write about it, so here goes.
I liked this movie, I don't know if I would go as far as to say that I loved this movie, but it was definitely better than the second movie, by a long shot in my book.

This movie had a different director than the first two, and I think this movie definitely has the feel of a movie by Shane Black. I also liked the humanity of Tony Stark that exists in this movie. I also enjoyed how many people are questioning just how much people know, after the world was attacked by aliens that no one had any idea existed.

I really like that I was actually able to be surprised by the story in this movie, and how everything played out. I really loved Ben Kingsley in this movie, I also loved that they were able to get Ben Kingsley in this movie. He plays his character so well, and getting someone who has been knighted into a comic book movie just seems like such a big deal to me, maybe I am overstating it.

I think this is a good movie to come out after the Avengers, I believe Iron Man got the Marvel movie cycle started, so it makes sense to go back to it to start phase 2, as Marvel is calling it.

Well I guess I have really run out of things to say about Iron Man 3, it was good, very watchable, but not the best Iron Man movie.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

My First 5K

Today was a momentous day in my life, it was the first time that I have ever attempted to actually participated in an athletic event of some kind since high school. I won't make any secrets about it, I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. I enjoyed it enough that I am definitely going to do some kind of 5k at some point in the future.

I finished with a time in the 43:50 range, my only goal was to finish in less than an hour, I honestly had no idea how fast I could finish, but I think that is a pretty respectable time for a first time, and my general physical shape. I could definitely do better, but I had to slow myself down a bit because my shins were hurting me a bit. I am icing them as I write this.

I had created a playlist that was about an hour and a half long to listen to, and I had placed The Way Back Home by Band of Horses on there at about the 55 minute mark, because I thought that would be when I was running to the finish line, but I guess I thought I would be slower than I was, I actually crossed the finish line listening to something by the Alabama Shakes. I had about .5 miles when Hold On by the Alabama Shakes came on, it definitely gave me a boost, and I will definitely enjoy making new playlists for the future.

The weather was quite warm for an 8am start was at least 70 could have been 75 and the sun was was bright and hot as well, it definitely led to a lot of extra sweat!

This is a picture I took once I got home, so much sweat, and I clearly got a little bit of sun, I put sunscreen on, but I must have wiped it off with my sweat, or something like that, I wasn't actually in the sun for more than maybe an hour. I thought it was a good sign that I was assigned the number 1337 as well.

I want to say a thank you to the anonymous late teens/early 20s girl in pink who was keeping pace with me, would speed up when I sped up, and ran to the finish alongside me. I was going to say thank you after we finished, but I went for water and when I turned around you were gone! Thank you for helping push me to work harder, whether you meant to or not.

I returned to my apartment and had an after meal snack of a handful of almonds, chocolate milk and a banana.