Monday, June 3, 2013

Iron Man 3

I saw this movie a few weeks back, but haven't really made myself sit down and write about it, so here goes.
I liked this movie, I don't know if I would go as far as to say that I loved this movie, but it was definitely better than the second movie, by a long shot in my book.

This movie had a different director than the first two, and I think this movie definitely has the feel of a movie by Shane Black. I also liked the humanity of Tony Stark that exists in this movie. I also enjoyed how many people are questioning just how much people know, after the world was attacked by aliens that no one had any idea existed.

I really like that I was actually able to be surprised by the story in this movie, and how everything played out. I really loved Ben Kingsley in this movie, I also loved that they were able to get Ben Kingsley in this movie. He plays his character so well, and getting someone who has been knighted into a comic book movie just seems like such a big deal to me, maybe I am overstating it.

I think this is a good movie to come out after the Avengers, I believe Iron Man got the Marvel movie cycle started, so it makes sense to go back to it to start phase 2, as Marvel is calling it.

Well I guess I have really run out of things to say about Iron Man 3, it was good, very watchable, but not the best Iron Man movie.

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