Saturday, June 1, 2013

My First 5K

Today was a momentous day in my life, it was the first time that I have ever attempted to actually participated in an athletic event of some kind since high school. I won't make any secrets about it, I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. I enjoyed it enough that I am definitely going to do some kind of 5k at some point in the future.

I finished with a time in the 43:50 range, my only goal was to finish in less than an hour, I honestly had no idea how fast I could finish, but I think that is a pretty respectable time for a first time, and my general physical shape. I could definitely do better, but I had to slow myself down a bit because my shins were hurting me a bit. I am icing them as I write this.

I had created a playlist that was about an hour and a half long to listen to, and I had placed The Way Back Home by Band of Horses on there at about the 55 minute mark, because I thought that would be when I was running to the finish line, but I guess I thought I would be slower than I was, I actually crossed the finish line listening to something by the Alabama Shakes. I had about .5 miles when Hold On by the Alabama Shakes came on, it definitely gave me a boost, and I will definitely enjoy making new playlists for the future.

The weather was quite warm for an 8am start was at least 70 could have been 75 and the sun was was bright and hot as well, it definitely led to a lot of extra sweat!

This is a picture I took once I got home, so much sweat, and I clearly got a little bit of sun, I put sunscreen on, but I must have wiped it off with my sweat, or something like that, I wasn't actually in the sun for more than maybe an hour. I thought it was a good sign that I was assigned the number 1337 as well.

I want to say a thank you to the anonymous late teens/early 20s girl in pink who was keeping pace with me, would speed up when I sped up, and ran to the finish alongside me. I was going to say thank you after we finished, but I went for water and when I turned around you were gone! Thank you for helping push me to work harder, whether you meant to or not.

I returned to my apartment and had an after meal snack of a handful of almonds, chocolate milk and a banana.

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