Tuesday, June 25, 2013

This is the End

I need to start this post by stating that I think I might have been the exact target audience for this movie, with the exception of me not being a pot smoker. What I mean by that is I have seen just about all of the movies involving these actors, and even before they were in movies the tv shows like Freaks and Geeks, and Undeclared, and I still love most of them. I knew the actors in this movie, even the smaller ones who weren't in the movie all that much. So going in, I think the cards were kind of stacked in my favor, I was probably a bit predisposed to liking this movie.

With that little preamble to this post, I absolutely loved this movie, to the extent that I want to see it again. The movie has lots of good laughs, some good jumpy/scary moments, and some enjoyable caricatures.

This movie did a really good job of combining the humor with the horror and the action. It is still a comedy first, but there is a strong element of horror mixed in. I laughed so hard that I teared up a few times during the movie, many big laughs in the movie.

This is the first movie directed by writing partners Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg, they have written a few movies, my favorite coming into this was Superbad, but they had not previously directed a movie, so this was a bit of an experiment for them.

I think that this is definitely the best written movie they have done, although I guess its not known how much of the movie was actually written and how much was ad libbed on the spot. Once the characters were a bit defined I think they probably let the actors go with it a little bit.

The whole movie is these guys making fun of themselves, like I said before, they are caricatures of themselves. Taking what the public perception of them is and making fun of it. I loved Jonah Hill's character the most, just so wonderfully condescending especially to Jay Baruchel. I loved how all of the guys got to make fun of each other in the movie too, not only the actors making fun of themselves, but their friends as well. James Franco actually painted all of the paintings that are found in his house, which definitely poke fun at his perceived pretentiousness, thats a word right?

I could not recommend this movie more, I think this is my favorite movie so far this year, I will discuss that more below. I went to the movie with my friend Matt, and he didn't quite like the movie as much. The difference in our movie tastes is that I definitely lean much more towards comedies than he does, he liked it but thought it was weird. I like weirdness in a movie. I think the fact that this movie was weird and in my opinion very original is what sold me on it. Not only are the actors playing fake versions of themselves, but they are doing so in an apocalyptic situation. To me this movie seemed quite a bit like Ghostbusters, combining humor and horror so well, I must admit I am not the one who came up with that comparison, but i agree with it. If you have interest in this movie, definitely go see it, then talk to me about it.

To end this post I am introducing my movie rankings which I will adjust and put at the bottom of each new movie post that I see, then I will likely do a year end wrap up post:

5. Pain & Gain- just terrible, fuck Michael Bay
4. World War Z-  not bad, not great, a decent popcorn movie
3. Iron Man 3- Well above Iron Man 2 in my book, but didn't reach the quality of the first Iron Man
2. Star Trek Into Darkness- Really enjoyed the movie, liked it more than the first
1. This Is the End- Humor is what boostedn This is the End above Star Trek, humor is what really gets me

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