Monday, June 3, 2013

Star Trek Into Darkness

I really have no other way of starting this post than to say that I loved this movie. I have been thinking about it a lot since I saw it yesterday, and I think I prefer it to the first Star Trek movie in this series. It is close between the two, and I would gladly watch each of them again no question.

For me the action in this movie was amazing. Many times for me, action in movies can be be boring especially if there are many quick cuts and bright flashes of light over and over. It can almost be disorienting, and I think its one of the reasons that Michael Bay movies are just barely watchable for me, if even that. The colors are not too bright in this, the action scenes in many cases show somewhat long shots, not forcing the eyes to adjust and readjust every few seconds. I also was enthralled by the different action scenes, I have not yet heard of any news about a 3rd Star Trek, so I was not sure if any of the main characters could possible die in this one as well.

My previous knowledge of Star Trek is fairly limited, but I have watched the first two movies from the original cast. So I was able to see some of the story parallels to Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan, I appreciated the homage, while also embracing the alternate universe part of it as well. There are elements that are similar to the older movie, but they have been altered in different ways from it as well.

I thought this movie really used all of the different characters to their fullest, and the chemistry between Zachary Quinto and Chris Pine really helped the movie a lot in my book. There were a few good laughs in the movie without it being an all around comedy, the laughs helped to lighten the mood, sometimes right before a big moment in the movie.

I enjoyed the appearance of Alice Eve who I have only seen in She's Out of my League, but really enjoyed the work she did in that. She was actually able to use more of her accent in this one, didn't have to try to hide it under an american accent like she did in the other movie.

I would advise people see both this and Star Trek, they have definitely done a great job of creating a new, yet similar universe for these movies.

I just wanted to also discuss the new Star Wars movies that will also be directed by JJ Abrams here as well. I really like what he has done in his movies, he has done a great job of taking a series with history, and putting his own twist on it. I hope he does something similar to this with the Star Wars movies, there are definitely existing elements in those movies, and a lot of history, but I think he can do his own thing, and he can do what the original Star Wars trilogy did so well. The action was so engaging on the originals, and I have no doubt that JJ Abrams can direct the movies well. I am cautiously optimistic about the new Star Wars series, and I hope Disney can do well with them, like they have done with the Marvel movies. I really would love to see some other Star Wars movies around the books that I loved to read in middle school. It would not be too hard to make movies like Tales of the Bounty Hunters, Tales from a Mos Eisley Cantina, or Tales from Jabba's Palace. I would love to watch them even if they are animated. I wish Shadows of the Empire could have been done with the main cast in their prime, but that is pretty much impossible now. I am looking forward to more Star Wars, and lets be honest, it would be hard to make movies as bad as the prequels again, right?

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