Sunday, July 7, 2013

Life Update 07/07/2013

Well I just thought I would write a little bit of an update on my life and it would cover a few different areas. I didn't do any cooking this weekend so I don't have a cooking diary, but still wanted to write something, so this popped into my mind.

I have been spending more time adjusting back into living along and being single. I have really enjoyed the freedom of it. I really like being accountable to only myself, not that I do anything dangerous at all. I live a pretty simple life, and I am not complaining about that at all. I like staying up late watching random television, or being able to do what ever I want whenever I want.

I really think that doing that 5k has gotten me interested in running more than I ever was before. I love to go out for a jog, and do it most evenings. I go for a 3+ mile jog at least 4 days a week, but I have gone 7 times in a single week recently as well. I like getting out there any getting that workout in, and have already seen great improvements in the length of time I can run for without slowing down, and the distance I can go without being completely exhausted.

Now when I use the term jog, I really mean running intervals, I run until I can't run any longer, then I slow down for a few minutes before speeding up again. I tend to slow down when I am either out of breath, or my shin on knee start hurting. I have also spend a lot of time icing the things that hurt after running, I will sit down and cool down and stretch and then ice myself for a while.

I have honestly felt quite good even with all of this added exercise that I have been doing. It has really helped me sleep deeper at night, and It has definitely had its positive effects on my mental health as well. I just generally have had more confidence in myself since I started exercising more. Now I actually don't know if I have lots any weight, I would imagine so, but one of the 4 little pads on the bottom of my scale broke off, so it is impossible to get a consistent weight from it, I get like a 40 lb range, so I really have no idea where in that range I am. If I am at the bottom of it, then I am in a great place with my weight, but if I am in the top portion, then I need to work harder on it.

I have been sticking to my slow carb diet pretty closely, especially during the week and then only cheating on it a little on the weekends, which is part of the overall plan. I really wish i could go without cheating, but I really like certain foods that arent allowed on the slow carb diet, I have to find a happy medium of eating the foods I like, while also eating healthy and losing weight, I am hoping I am already heading in that direction.

Now I don't get into my relationships or my dating much at all on here, but I thought I would just write a little update on that as well. I have been out with some people, I have been able to find some fun people to talk to, but nothing that was long lasting, or any real connection for the most part, which is fine, I am not lonely, nor am I desperate. I am one who doesn't really like mind games, I am an extremely open and honest person. I like that in another person as well, but I have definitely felt like my mind has been messed with too much. If you someone isn't into me, I would prefer if that person was just honest with me. I don't have a problem with rejection, I can handle that, its the misleading per of it all that I really don't like.

Ok so that is enough with that rant, I have something more positive to share than that. I went out on a date recently that went really well. She and I really connected on a few different levels, and on the plus side she really gets my sense of humor, and has no problem making me laugh a ton. I just felt the urge to write a little bit about that, now I don't know what will come of this, and I also don't want to overstate anything, it has only been one date. I have enjoyed every interaction I have had with this girl though, I really hope that this continues going in the same positive direction.

Well that is all I have for today, thanks for reading!

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