Friday, October 18, 2013


I saw gravity about a week ago, and definitely took a little bit of time to reflect on the movie, and I think this might be the best movie to go see alone, that I have seen in a long time. I think the nature of the film, the silence of it, and just taking the whole movie in was a great singular experience.

This is the first movie where I actually thought the 3D was worth it to have, I didn't really care for Avatar all that much. I wish I could have seen this movie in IMAX 3D, it really felt like an IMAX movie that just happened to have a narrative to it. I can only imagine how amazing it would have been on the more expansive screen.

I don't really know what type of genre to put this movie into, it isn't really conventional science fiction, I guess science fiction just makes me think of aliens, or at least a far off future. This story could have happened in the last 10-20 years or in the near future, I actually enjoyed that there wasn't a year stamped on it. What makes this movie so wonderful is the fact that it is a very possible scenario. It is

I will be vague in case people are still planning to see it, but this movie does so many things that I just hadn't really seen or heard in my life. The movie does things with visual and audio effects that, for me at least, set it apart. This movie should at the very least win some Oscars for audio and visual effects, but I think it would be very deserving of pretty much all major categories. Sandra Bullock should be nominated for leading actress, Alfonso Cuaron should be nominated for best original screenplay and best director, George Clooney could definitely get a nomination for best supporting actor. Maybe this is me overstating everything, its only the beginning of Oscar season, and after nothing all that amazing came out during the Summer movie season, at least in the performance area. Maybe this is just the first of many great movies to come out this year.

I really have no idea how they were able to do some of the things they did effects-wise in this movie, but they are just so very cool. I am someone who will always support original storytelling and that is definitely what Gravity is. Its a thriller, and possibly even realistic horror, with some comedic elements, and some good characters. The movie is not exactly what I expected it to be from the trailers, but I am ok with that because i just thought it was brilliant.

I will be honest and say the only movie directed by Alfonso Cuaron that I had seen was the Harry Potter movie that he directed, I wanted to see Children of Men which got good ratings but I never got around to it. I will say going forward that this might push him into the must see director category. He clearly had a vision for what he wanted to do with this movie, and I think he was able to do the things that he wanted to. I will definitely look for a making of documentary on the Blu-Ray because it will be a making of documentary worth watching.

Below you will see that we have a new front runner for movie of the year:

8. Pain & Gain
7. World War Z
6. Pacific Rim
5. Iron Man 3
4. Star Trek Into Darkness
3. This Is the End
2. The World's End

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