Thursday, December 5, 2013


I just want to start off with my reaction from leaving the movie, and that reaction was WOW! I was extremely impressed with this movie. I really haven't seen many of the Disney movies from recent years, but we went to this as a family on Black Friday. It was actually nice to go to a movie together, to a small town theater. The first showing we tried to go to actually sold out, so we came back later for the next showing, which appeared to also sell out.

The movie was loosely based on Hans Christian Anderson's story The Snow Queen. I am not familiar with the details of the story, so I don't know exactly how much they had taken from the story, and how much they had created themselves, but all in all I really enjoyed the movie. I don't recall that many Disney movies that were that dense with laughs, it almost reminded me of old episodes of the Simpsons in that respect.

I will say the story isn't quite what I would have expected out of a Disney movie, but then again thinking about it more I guess that lots of Disney's animated movies have an element of adversity in them. I guess I haven't rewatched a lot of the Disney movies I liked as a kid now that I am sort of an adult, there could be elements that I wasn't able to appreciate as a kid, because in Frozen I really enjoyed every part of the movie.

This movie has so much to it, there are parts that are sad, parts that are exciting, some great songs, and so many laughs. I definitely laughed so hard I teared up a few times during the movie. I think that Josh Gad's work as the snowman Olaf really made the film. He had possibly the 10-20 funniest lines in the movie, almost all of his lines had laughs. I was generally impressed by the number of laughs throughout the film, although of course it is easy to make me laugh a lot.

I think this is actually the first family friendly movie that I have seen this year. I would absolutely recommend this movie to everyone old and young. I know my mom and my younger brother also enjoyed watching it. I know it isn't technically an original story, but it is a very enjoyable story that would be a great thing to see with your family.

I had to put this movie in front of Catching Fire for the simple reason that even though I just saw Frozen, i kind of want to see it again right away, and I always value movies with rewatchability.

11. Pain & Gain
10. Thor: The Dark World
9. World War Z
8. Pacific Rim
7. Iron Man 3
6. Hunger Games: Catching Fire
5. Frozen
4. Star Trek Into Darkness
3. This Is the End
2. The World's End

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