Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Letting the Weck Out

It has been about a week since my last post. I was sad that I was not able to get off of work to attend Dave Ehresmann's funeral, but I like to think I did my part in remembering Dave. I am no good at dealing with death, it is one of few things in the world that are able to render me speechless. With that said, I would like to move on to another topic this week.

This past weekend I got to spend lots of quality time with my father's side of the family. It had been over 2 years since the last time everyone got together. We were together to celebrate my grandfather's 90th birthday. Boy was there ever too much food, which is of course a good thing in my mind.There was of course a bevy of Weck laughter. Its just something that happens at every Weck event. I think it was much more laid back than the last Weck gathering which was my cousin Steven's wedding. That had an open bar and boy do the Wecks know how to abuse that.

It was nice to see everyone, and it was even nice to get lawyered by my cousin Dave. I think it was so much fun seeing everyone because this was not a common event. I truly believe that if we got together all the time we would get sick of each other easily. It was very nice to see my grandfather who has been degrading in condition at a much more rapid pace than I had expected. I think the Weck stubbornness is going to be a big issue for him, and it already is because he does not want to acknowledge that he needs some help to do certain things.

I tended to blend into the background at the party and observe. I talked to people, but I just was not in that talkative of a mood for some reason. I gave everyone the same update, but beyond that there is not that much to share about my life right now. Its always a good thing when you're bored with the happenings of your own life right?

It was nice to share the laughs with people and just joke around about every thing we could. That is the Weck way. I look forward to the next time we all get together, but it would probably be a little while before that will happen again. Til next time Weck Family!

In other news, I have been talking to a new girl lately. She really seems to understand me and we are on the same page on just about everything that has come up lately. She actually likes certain things that other girls have disliked in the past such as my tendency to correct grammar for example. I really have enjoyed getting to know her and I am looking forward to spending some time with her this weekend. Sorry to leave it vague, but that is just what I do on here.

Movie of the Week: Easy A--I really liked this movie. I thought it was very creatively done. I think Emma Stone is amazing in it, as she has been in just about every movie I have seen with her in it. She was in Superbad, Zombieland, and The Rocker(which I think is a very underrated movie) as well as Easy A. I had the movie from Netflix so I actually watched it twice before returning it, something that I literally never do. The main character's parents a fucking amazing, they have a few of the biggest laughs in the whole movie, even though they are not in more than maybe 15% of the movie. This is a movie that i definitely overlooked when it was originally released, because it didn't seem that interesting to me, but I am really glad that I went back and watched it after the fact. Definitely worth renting. Trust me on this one. If you want a comedy that is a little bit different, give it a try. What do you really have to lose? It could also be Amanda Bynes' last movie as well! It was brought to my attention while watching Easy A that Amanda Bynes' eyes are too close together, and now its all I think about when I see her.

Podcast of the week: Sklarbro Country-- I listen to a lot of podcasts, and I tend to fall behind on some then listen to a few weeks' worth in a row. Today I was listening to Sklarbro Country, its a podcast that is available on iTunes and at Earwolf.com as well. I really like this first few segments of every episode. They talk about weird stories that are in someway linked to sports. Then they have a guest on, usually a comedian of some kind, then they do quick hits which are shorter news stories with the guest. After those segments I sometimes just tune out. They usually have someone on who does an impression of someone, be it Owen Wilson, Jerry Jones, or Racist Vin Scully, I just don't enjoy that segment as much. When they have Jesse Thorn on to do his fantasy updates its awesome. He talks about all sorts of fake fantasy sports, like fantasy dog shows. I would highly recommend it to any fan of comedy or fan of sports. If you are a fan of comedy and a fan of sports, then you just have to check it out.

Album of the week: Showroom of Compassion by Cake--I really enjoyed the whole album, especially the first single that I head, Sick of You, and also Federal Funding. Federal Funding really reminds me of my job when different clients come in asking for the free government money that does not exist. Damn you Matthew Lesko! If you know who that is kudos to you. The album has a pretty normal Cake sound to it, maybe with a bit more country thrown in. Worth checking out for anyone who has not already done so. I think Sick of You is a great breakup song, of course that is just the interpretation that I have put on it.

I am really looking forward to the start of the baseball season. I had a great time 2 weekends ago having my fantasy baseball draft with the same group of guys I have been in a league with for so long. Had a blast seeing everyone, of course now I have to wait for the season to begin for it fantasy baseball to really start! There are few things more fun than stealing a player right before someone else was going to draft him. It should be another good year for Twins fans. I look forward to watching as many games as I can this year. We have a plan to go to a game with my fantasy baseball league, but that is not until August. I will probably find some time to go before that.

Well that is all I have for today. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Stealing an idea from Patton Oswalt's book Zombie Spaceship Wasteland, I did the following things while writing this post:
Emailed back and forth with my mom.
Spell checked the word bevy.
Looked up Emma Stone on IMDB

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

RIP Dave Ehresmann

I have never really known how to grieve, but I think writing about it will help me work things out. I am trying to think of a way that I could make it to the funeral, but I just don't think there is any way that I can make it work with my schedule. My thoughts are with his family and friends.

I can't claim that I was Dave's best friend. I have honestly probably not seem him in 4 or 5 years. I think he was very good at making everyone feel like his friend though, and treating them as such. Looking back I have memories of riding the school bus with him back in elementary school. Even back then he was a bit of a joker, or maybe I was just too naive and gullible, either way we would talk to each other while riding on the bus from Greenvale.

I also have memories from middle school when we would play against each other almost every day in tennis. It was Andrew Corson and I who would play against Dave and Anthony Young. I remember one time where we went to something like a 20th deuce in a game, but Dave and Anthony always beat us. It wasn't about winning, more about just having fun though.

To me Dave was the essence of cool. He seemed to have only friends to me, not enemies. Even though I was not part of his direct group of friends, I definitely always felt included when joining up with that group. I think I wished I was more like him than like myself. I truly have no negative memories of Dave, he was always fun to be around.

I have been slowly chipping away at this entry all day long. I have been getting a little choked up writing this. Its just so sad that he is gone now. I am struggling to come up with more anecdotes. It doesn't help that I have not seen him in so long. I wish I had kept in better contact with him, he will be missed. If we keep the memories of him alive then he will always be with us.

If anyone has any stories to tell, they can either write them in the comments section, or email them to me at weckpd@uwec.edu and I can post them in the main body of the post. I really wish that I had more to put into this post from my own stories, but my memory is not working today, I might have to make some additions if anything else pops into my head any time soon.

I would like this to become a place for him to be remembered and I think I need help from others.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Quo Vadimus-Where are we going?

I have been wondering for a little while what I should do with my life. I still don't actually know. I would really like my job as a small business counselor to be a full-time position, but I really think that goal will go unrealized. The cuts in Wisconsin have all but taken away any possibility of that. I may have been a bit delusional in thinking that it would be anything more than it currently is. The odds are I will probably be moving to Minnesota after my contract is up at the end of July.

I have some places that I will be looking for a job through. I have been told that Americorp has some positions in economic development around in Minnesota, but I have not looked yet myself. I also have been told about a company that will help people find business related jobs in the Twin Cities area free of charge. I would defintiely like something business related, preferably with some financial work involved as well. I always enjoy working with numbers.

If anyone has any leads let me know. I am currently working on fixing up my resume, it has been over a year since I really updated it at all. I am not even sure what I am looking for right now, but any job would be good for me, something that is fully time, and maybe I could finally have some health insurance. That would definitely be a bunch of worry off my shoulders.

What I really need right now is some time off, but on the plus side im not worried about finding a girl. Thats good right? I am more worried about what I should do with my life. I would love a semi-professional job, just as long as I don't have to wear a suit. I am cool with khakis and a polo, but just not a suit.

Well I think that this is a good time for something more fun!

Movie of the week: Mystery Men, I woke up and found this on one of the HBO stations last weekend. It was awesome to find. I own it on dvd, but I just never think to watch it. Possibly my favorite Ben Stiller movie, plus Hank Azaria, and William H. Macy are always good. A good movie about fake superheroes.

TV Show of the week: Firefly, this is one of the best shows I have ever watched, but sadly it was a victim of poor marketing and poor ratings. Its what could be described as a space western, imagine Han Solo before the Star Wars trilogy. There is just oh so much more to it as well. It is full of the brilliant humor of Joss Whedon, as well as great music. Nathan Fillion is the captain of this vessel, with a great cast of others beside him. Do yourself a favor and check it out.

Well thats all for the first entry of a new blog, which will be more or less the same as my old blog.

So long for now,

Peter Weck