Friday, March 4, 2011

Quo Vadimus-Where are we going?

I have been wondering for a little while what I should do with my life. I still don't actually know. I would really like my job as a small business counselor to be a full-time position, but I really think that goal will go unrealized. The cuts in Wisconsin have all but taken away any possibility of that. I may have been a bit delusional in thinking that it would be anything more than it currently is. The odds are I will probably be moving to Minnesota after my contract is up at the end of July.

I have some places that I will be looking for a job through. I have been told that Americorp has some positions in economic development around in Minnesota, but I have not looked yet myself. I also have been told about a company that will help people find business related jobs in the Twin Cities area free of charge. I would defintiely like something business related, preferably with some financial work involved as well. I always enjoy working with numbers.

If anyone has any leads let me know. I am currently working on fixing up my resume, it has been over a year since I really updated it at all. I am not even sure what I am looking for right now, but any job would be good for me, something that is fully time, and maybe I could finally have some health insurance. That would definitely be a bunch of worry off my shoulders.

What I really need right now is some time off, but on the plus side im not worried about finding a girl. Thats good right? I am more worried about what I should do with my life. I would love a semi-professional job, just as long as I don't have to wear a suit. I am cool with khakis and a polo, but just not a suit.

Well I think that this is a good time for something more fun!

Movie of the week: Mystery Men, I woke up and found this on one of the HBO stations last weekend. It was awesome to find. I own it on dvd, but I just never think to watch it. Possibly my favorite Ben Stiller movie, plus Hank Azaria, and William H. Macy are always good. A good movie about fake superheroes.

TV Show of the week: Firefly, this is one of the best shows I have ever watched, but sadly it was a victim of poor marketing and poor ratings. Its what could be described as a space western, imagine Han Solo before the Star Wars trilogy. There is just oh so much more to it as well. It is full of the brilliant humor of Joss Whedon, as well as great music. Nathan Fillion is the captain of this vessel, with a great cast of others beside him. Do yourself a favor and check it out.

Well thats all for the first entry of a new blog, which will be more or less the same as my old blog.

So long for now,

Peter Weck

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