Tuesday, March 15, 2011

RIP Dave Ehresmann

I have never really known how to grieve, but I think writing about it will help me work things out. I am trying to think of a way that I could make it to the funeral, but I just don't think there is any way that I can make it work with my schedule. My thoughts are with his family and friends.

I can't claim that I was Dave's best friend. I have honestly probably not seem him in 4 or 5 years. I think he was very good at making everyone feel like his friend though, and treating them as such. Looking back I have memories of riding the school bus with him back in elementary school. Even back then he was a bit of a joker, or maybe I was just too naive and gullible, either way we would talk to each other while riding on the bus from Greenvale.

I also have memories from middle school when we would play against each other almost every day in tennis. It was Andrew Corson and I who would play against Dave and Anthony Young. I remember one time where we went to something like a 20th deuce in a game, but Dave and Anthony always beat us. It wasn't about winning, more about just having fun though.

To me Dave was the essence of cool. He seemed to have only friends to me, not enemies. Even though I was not part of his direct group of friends, I definitely always felt included when joining up with that group. I think I wished I was more like him than like myself. I truly have no negative memories of Dave, he was always fun to be around.

I have been slowly chipping away at this entry all day long. I have been getting a little choked up writing this. Its just so sad that he is gone now. I am struggling to come up with more anecdotes. It doesn't help that I have not seen him in so long. I wish I had kept in better contact with him, he will be missed. If we keep the memories of him alive then he will always be with us.

If anyone has any stories to tell, they can either write them in the comments section, or email them to me at weckpd@uwec.edu and I can post them in the main body of the post. I really wish that I had more to put into this post from my own stories, but my memory is not working today, I might have to make some additions if anything else pops into my head any time soon.

I would like this to become a place for him to be remembered and I think I need help from others.


  1. Pete,
    You are very correct in your statement about Dave seeming to only have friends and no enemies. I had the good fortune of having the same friends in common with Dave so I was able to get to know him through them. All I can remember from Dave is sincerity and his uncanny ability to make anyone laugh regardless of the situation. Certain things come to mind like hanging out in his shack and having bonfires to our senior lock in where he ate the gum off of the urinal cake. Dave really made anyone feel welcome as part of the group no matter if you were his best friend or a friend of a friend. I was lucky enough to have a few beers and some good conversation with him and some other buddies this past Christmas Break and for that I will always be grateful. My deepest condolences and prayers go out to the Ehresmann family

  2. Hello fellow friend of David. I had the pleasure of having David as an employee here at NASA. We are all saddened today as we learned the news. We remember David shouting down our hallway -- "Good MOR-ning, colleagues!" His resounding greetings were symbolic, perhaps, of his life philosophy, which might have been to live fully and make others smile. He was a hard working employee and a devoted friend to many, a passionate humanitarian and a unique individual we will miss. I am a better person for sharing time with him.

  3. Thanks so much for commenting guys! He truly was a wonderful guy to be around.

  4. I am dumfounded to hear of Dave's departure. Dave was truly full of life. As Peter had said, I too lost contact with Dave over the past few years. Dave was brilliant and filled with bravado. I feel like I have a lot to say but am not sure how to spit it out. I very recently had been feeling an urge to reconnect with Dave, and am filled with regret for not trying harder.
