Monday, May 30, 2011


It has been over a week since I last blogged. Since the last post, my little brother graduated from college, and I have really been suffering through a cold. I am feeling much better now.

Yesterday my my brother, who is staying with me for a few weeks, made a ton of food. We fired up the grill, and I figured since we were heating it up, we should get the most out of it. We grilled burgers, brats, hot dogs, and some peppers and onions for good measure. On top of that we boiled some corn on the cob, which I have since removed from the cob. I made some of my dad's BBQ cole slaw, it is like a normal creamy cole slaw with some BBQ sauce and pickle juice mixed in. I think it is my favorite cole slaw ever! And last but not least I made some yukon gold oven fries with garlic, olive oil, and italian herbs. They might be my best potatoes I have ever made. We have leftovers that should feed us for a lot of the week.

I am not ashamed to admit that I really like Oscar Meyer hot dogs, just the regular cheap ones. I like them better than the natural casing hot dogs that have the crisp to them. We grilled a few packages of Oscar Meyer hot dogs, but the coals were really low, before they died out, so they pretty much go smoked in there. They taste so wonderfully smoky. I like to have a hot dog and put some of the BBQ cole slaw on top of it, which is friggin amazing.

So while working today (Memorial day) I was just thinking about how some people really fall for the different tactics that grocery stores employ to sell products.

For those that don't know me, my night and weekend job is as a cashier at a grocery store. As a side note a lot of the topics that I write about on here ccome to me while I am working, others while I go on my long walks at night.

Grocery stores use the package price to get you to buy more items than you actually need. In the vast majority of cases you don't have to but all of the items to get each item for that price. Just make sure you read the sign, if it doesn't say you must buy all of them, then don't feel obligated to.

Buy one get one free is not always a great deal. Lots of times items are cheaper when they are on sale, that each item costs in a buy one get one free deal. People love to get stuff for free, but they don't notice that sometimes its not as good of a deal.

Smaller items that are on sale, can still be less per ouce than the larger items which are not neccessarily on sale. Stores know people will lean towards an item that has a sale tag even if its not that great of a deal. That is why they put so many of them out there.

The one item in a grocery store that actually makes me lose a bit of respect for people is Tropicana 50. For those who don't know Trop 50 is its orange juice that has half the calories and half the carbs of regular orange juice, that comes in a smaller container that is more expensive than normal orange juice too. Now how do they make orange juice that has half the sugar and calories? They add water! Why not buy the regular orange juice and dilute your own, you would be making so much more juice for yourself. This is such a weird thing for me to rant about, but I really think people need to think more when they buy things. Its got half the calories, it must be better right? well in this case absolutely not!

Well I think that is all for that rant. I just needed to spill a lot of that stuff. I would like to write more often, but I just never have the inspiration when I want to write haha. I am going to start backlogging some different posts so hopefully that will help me post more often.

I just wanted to say that I really think that Foreplay is my favorite song by Boston. Its the prelude song that leads to Long Time, and that song just plain rocks! It rocks more than Long Time itself. I know, another unsolicited thought from me.

Well thanks for stopping by.


  1. True that. I have always dilluted my own juice. Ain't no other way. Sales tactics are as dirty as politics.

  2. Its good to know that I have smart readers.
