Friday, May 6, 2011


Its been a little while since I last wrote anything. I have just been reading through my stats for my blog. It appears that the best referring site is facebook, so lots of my friends are reading my blog. The 2nd best referring site is actually google, which I find interesting. People have found my blog by searching for really random things.

Nathan Fillion
Scre4m Spoilers
Has gone meta

All of these search terms have been used to find my blog. I guess I just find this stuff fascinating. I shouldn't geek out too much about my own blog though. Self centered much?

I wanted to write this blog entry about humor, but maybe I should really use it within the scope of my life. Some of the people reading this post know me, while others don't. I am the kind of person who gives everyone a hard time. Thats how its always been in my family, and I actually like that. Some people can handle this, others are not really able to handle it though. I feel that anything is fair game for joking about, but I guess sometimes I should really exercise more discretion. If I have ever offended you, I didn't mean to. I just don't know when I go to far some times. Different people enjoy different levels of joking. Of course there are topics that shouldn't be joked about, and there are some environments are not appropriate for joking around either.

I love how nuanced humor can be. There are just so many different things that I enjoy from a humor standpoint. I can enjoy the dryest of humor. I enjoy puns usually. I guess I laugh even when stuff isn't all that funny, but I have found that my laughter and my smile can be very contagious. I wish everyone could laugh at as many things as I can, but I guess nothing would get done, because we would all be giggling the day away.

I have a theory that people who have been through tough times are able to enjoy humor that much more than others. I know the fact that I really did suffer through my depression has helped me enjoy laughter and humor as a whole more. I think other people who have been through tough times, no matter what the specifics are able to see the true joy that is humor. I know I have probably thought about this too much, but I think the people who have seen the true darkness, are most able to enjoy the light. Even if its not that bright. I thought that was a great analogy but then again I like to pat my own back.

Some people are not able to laugh at themselves, but insist on laughing at everyone else though. I dislike people like this, it seems like the ultimate form of judging. I just think some people should be able to be a bit more laid back, and not take themselves so seriously. I guess I am rambling, but rambling is really all I do on this blog haha.

Overall I have had some extra time to think and reflect on myself in this past week, and i am feeling great right now, maybe its the fact that we had sun for like 3 days in a row. I am starting to think that sun really helps my mood a ton, but I have enjoyed having time to unwind over the course of the week. I have done more reading than I have done in previous weeks.

I have recently started watching Battlestar Galactica. Some of my friends were shocked that I had not already watched it well, I guess it had slipped past me. I sure am glad that I gave it a shot though. It is an awesome show. Lots of drama, mixed with scifi action goodness. There is usually so much going on and a lot of interesting story arcs to follow. I am only midway through the 2nd season, but its a gem that can be found on Netflix Instant. As I am writing this, something just happened on the show that just blew my fraking mind! If you notice me using the word frak a lot, its because of this show. What a great replacement word, they sure got around being censored there! I think people who don't even enjoy scifi all that much would enjoy this show. I think its so well written, with great character development. Some quality work from the Syfy channel. I might have to check out the show Caprica after I work my way through this, but we will see.

Well its almost the middle of the night, so I should probably get to bed.

As always I encourage comments and questions you might have about what I have written.

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