Sunday, May 15, 2011


Last night I attended my first wedding of the year. Last year was my first time attending weddings for people I was not related to. But this was my 6th wedding that I have attended in about 1 year's time. That is a lot of weddings over the course of just about a year. I think I have had the same thought at every single one of the weddings. I wish I had someone to bring as a date. There is just something so singular about going to wedding after wedding alone. Its not like I was the only person who was at the wedding without a date, although it is becoming more and more common that I am the only one of my frends without a date. I have the feeling by the time I have someone to bring to a wedding as a date, all of my friends will already be married.

Now how selfish is it of me to think about myself at wedding which are of course celebrating the love of 2 people. I enjoy weddings to a certain extent, but going to 5 last year was more than enough for a while. I think there is only one more that I will be going to this year, but I have not even gotten an invitation to that wedding yet.

I guess at least now I know what to expect from weddings, I have seem them done a few different ways. Some with the church ceremony, then the gap of time before the reception at another location. Some with the ceremony and the reception in the same place, with a much smaller gap of time. I was even an usher in one wedding.

The wedding last night was in a very interesting location. I didn't even know there were indoor parks, but I guess Woodbury, MN has an indoor central park. It was kind of a cool environment, reminded me of the tropics section or the Minnesota zoo. I thought there would be some real grass or something inside. There were lots of trees, and a small waterfall.

I was a little worried that all of the bridesmaids and the bride had to walk down some cement and rocky steps to get down to the altar, but everything went smoothly. I also liked how the wedding was casual. The guys didn't even have suit jackets, which is something I give the thumbs up! I would be ok without ties, and with suit jackets, but I enjoy that it was not super formal.

I got to see some people I hadn't seen sincce the last wedding I had seen them at. I had a great time talking to  Spencer Miller specifically. I swear we spend a lot of time talking to each other at every wedding we see each other at. I think we bonded over out distaste for dancing, and our common senses of humor. Always nice to see him and his lovely wife. There are many other friends I was happy to see, and of course get extremely excited hugs from.

My Review of It's Kind of a Funny Story: I really loved this movie. I thought the narrative style was very creative. I thought the casting was very well done. I liked that Zach Galifianakis was funny when he was supposed to be, but he was not the creepy weirdo. He did play an important role though. Actually the entire community in the hospital played a very important role for the main character.

I really connected with the emotions in the movie. Some parts were very melancholy, while others were much more upbeat, and laughter filled. I think I really connected with this movie because I have been through depression before, and even at the same age as the main character. I could definitely connect to just about everything he was going through. I really liked this movie. Definitely something that slid under the radar in movie theaters. I don't even remember seeing commercials for it,

Bonus review of Bridesmaids: Holy crap is Bridesmaids funny. A movie that I was interested in a while ago because it was written by and stars Kristen Wiig, it was directed by Paul Feig who was the creator of Freaks and Geeks, and it was produced by The Judd Apatow, all of which were great indicators in my book. Some movies can focus too much on the humor and not have enough story, but this movie has enogh story to with the the tons of laughs as well.

They were able to space out the laughs enough so that you would stop laughing and could listen to the movie again before making you laugh again. Don't go into the movie expecting it to be a chick flick, sure most of the characters are female, but the movie is funny as hell regardless of gender. Sure some of the scenes make fun of guys, but lets face it some guys are just douches, and deserve to be made fun of.

Seriously, I want to see this movie again, and it just ended about an hour ago. There is just too much hilarity to even begin to describe. I really think it would be enjoyable for anyone around my age. I also don't think The Hangover Part 2 will live up to the first one. I know all the frat boys out there are pumped for another one of those, but the first one was not even very rewatchable. Go see Bridesmaids, you won't regret it!

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