Tuesday, June 28, 2011

True Grit

I have never seen the original movie True Grit, nor have I read the book. I understand that this "remake" is more of a reimagining, as it is based upon the book, not replicating the previous movie. I have been picking through this review slowly. I had some things written, but then I decided to erase them and almost start over. I watched it for a second time to try to get my thoughts straight.

I liked how scenic the movie was. I liked the performances, I think Hailee Steinfeld has a bright future ahead of her, and of course Matt Damon and Jeff bridges did great jobs with their characters.

Listening to Jeff Bridges' character talk about his life while they are riding provides some great comic relief, plus it also really allows Jeff Bridges to create his own character with the role. There are enough laughs in the movie to break up some of the lulls, of course I probably laughed in places that other people wouldn't have laughed.

I think my favorite part of the movie was the bickering between Damon and Bridges, pretty much stuck in a constant contest to show who is better, when it is obvious that neither of them deserve to win the contest.

I think all of the main characters show such great rapport with each other. The chemistry feels so natural between Rooster Cogburn, Mattie Ross, and LeBoeuf. Their individual personalities play off of each other in different scenes in the movie. Rooster and Leboeuf both try to be the alpha male of the group to no avail.

I rarely comment on something like the score of the movie, or the cinematography, but this movie was just so well shot. There were so many great shots, even if the characters were just riding their horses, that just showed wonderful scenery. The score really gives the movie the proper feel. It may be very simplistic, but it goes well with the scenes, and does not get in the way of anything in the movie.

I really think this movie is worth watching for anyone who like Coen brothers'  movies, people who like westerns, and just about anyone who is interested. It is an entertaining movie with some good performances.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Visiting My Mother

This is my first trip out of town on my diet, so I course I was a little bit nervous. This was also my first trip to see my mom's new house.

The house is awesome. Its quite big compared to our old house, or at least the layout would make it seem like it is. It actually had 2 garages that are each separately contained. My step father had turned one of them into his "man cave". I really like the big yard they have. My little brother and I went out to play catch first thing when we got here, my mom has a nice garden going out in the back yard, something she has not really been able to do in the last few years, but she seems really excited about it this year.

I think my mom is one of only a few people that would have a 60 inch hdtv and not pay the extra money for HD, but its all good. I was kind of shocked that they would not want to see everything in bright and colorful HD, which would allow them to actually utilize their whole tv, right now there are black bars at the top and bottom when watching any channel.

Last night at dinner we were going to go to a German restaurant a town over, German food is kind of our thing, it brings back the memories. The restaurant was busy so we decided not to stick around for the 45 minute wait. We went to a restaurant that was down road, it was more of a home cooking type of restaurant. The only problem there was that I could not have any of the sides they were offering. I did get a very large peace of fish for my dinner, but some of those breaded fish pieces, or some breaded shrimp would have been delicious. I got a side of refried beans to go with my corn so that I would at least get filled up.

The next day my mother, brother and I went to the Milwaukee County Zoo. We didn't think it would be that big, but we literally spent the whole day there.

We parked outside of the zoo grounds and decided to walk in to the zoo as other people were doing the same. There was some water draining under one of the gates at a very slow trickle, so I thought nothing of it. As soon as my foot even touched the water, I realized how very slimy it was, I also realized that I was going to fall, fast. I scraped my knee and cut my hand a little bit, but I was not going to let that stop me from going to the zoo. I rinsed my hand and knee off in the bathroom, and put some bandaids on me before heading into the zoo.

They had quite a few cool exhibits at the zoo, I really enjoyed the weather we had. It was warm, but not too warm, with a little humidity. We all put sunscreen on so none of us got burnt at all. I really liked the layout of the zoo. It was logically organized. The primates were really cool, although I don't think we went to see the gorillas now that I am thinking about it. There were lots of energetic primates, there were also some others that were just people watching, which was ok with me too.

There were some cool penguins who were active, swimming around, some were getting fed, some were hopping on the rocks. They were very entertaining. The only other bird that I really remember in the bird section was the Rhinoceros hornbill, which looked cool as hell.

They had a great selection of big cats from around the world at this zoo. They had a jaguar, lions, a tiger, a leopard, I think that was it but there might have been others that I am forgetting. They seemed to want to taunt the big cats. The cats were able to see prey that they would go after in the natural environment, but could not get to them because of big moats being in the way. It really seemed cruel to the animals.

I didn't realize the zoo was where young mothers loved to take their kids, especially on a saturday. I guess it is a good way to get some exercise, and wear the kids out, while also learning about animals. It was also a great place to see some terrible parenting, I don't understand how some parents can be so bad. One mother had lost her son because he must have walked off when she was standing there texting someone on her phone. She was saying his name and walking back where she was, while leaving her daughter in a little cart all alone. That seems like a double fail to me. It really would have been a great place to people watch, so many interesting people doing interesting things all day long.

Anyone who is looking to hit on some hot young moms should really go to the zoo, especially in the summer I'm guessing. That would not be what I would choose for my target group, but it might be for some of you out there.

Back to the attractions at the zoo, I really was not that impressed by the amphibians and reptiles. I thought the giant octopus was really cool, I have never really seen one in person. It was not really moving, but was still really cool looking.

The seals and sea lions did a little show. The show was ok. I thought they would do more jumps or flips or something like that, and less kissing and hugging of the trainers. When my brother and I were walking down to see the underwater view of the polar bear tank, a bird flew right past him and into the window. It was the weirdest thing that I have ever seen. The bird eventually got up and left the area, but it was just crazy.

The fennec fox looked really cool as well, its a small fox that lives in the dessert that, it looked so cute and cuddly, but that would probably be a very bad idea. It was a good day overall. We got to see lots of cool animals, and got some good exercise.

On Sunday we went to the local outlet mall and my brother and I each got a bunch of new clothes. Thanks Mom!

I kind of skipped over a lot of stuff, but I have been trying to wrap this up for a while.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Diet Log Week #1

I just thought I would put some of my thoughts and actions each week in a log, so my diet stuff does not clog up other posts, but is still given a fair amount of attention, because I really do think about these things a lot. Eventually the stuff that I am doing will no longer be novel and new, and I will be able to not think about the different things I will cook as much, but until then I will include them in here.

Well I had some leftover grilled marinated chicken from last week, which was paired with some roasted vegetables. I also have since made some delicious pork chops in a paprika tomato sauce, along with even more roasted vegetables.

I have had a salad that had some tuna and white beans on it. I didn't really like the white beans though. they are too mushy in texture, so I may just have to stick with black beans, or try some kidney beans or something. I realized that i could eat a big salad with a ton of tuna on it any time. I love tuna, I tried some of the seasoned tuna which was really good, and allows me to add even less salad dressing than i had been adding. I also have been tossing in some baby carrots and some cucumber slices which have been a good change of pace to the regular pile of lettuce.

Right now I am having my last grilled chicken breast on top of a salad. I am already looking ahead to what I will cook on the weekend, should the weather be nice, I might have to grill some steaks, and some more marinated chicken breasts. I will probably spend some more time roasting some more vegetables as well. I just really love the roasted garlic flavor on top of the cooked broccoli and cauliflower specifically. There is a little big of oil on them, but not too much where they feel heavy. I might even do a double batch of those, in 2 separate pans so that I won't have to cook them twice a week.

On this diet, you spend a lot of time thinking about what you will do for your cheat day. For those that don't know a cheat day is a day where I am supposed to eat a lot of carbs, and a lot of the foods that I otherwise would not be able to have on this diet. It helps to make sure that your cravings don't completely ruin your diet completely. I guess there is also some science behind it. Your body is not able to process all of the carbohydrates and fat that you eat on a binge day, and they leave your body as waste. I know this because the writer of this book actually measured his own waste, which was gross, and interesting to read.

So I have my game plan which will be my cheat day:
Fried eggs in the morning, I am supposed to still eat protein for breakfast
Grapefruit juice, which will help manage the glycemic load of what i am going to be eating
I have been craving chocolate milk, and some cake of some kind
For lunch I am going to go to culvers and get a double butter burger with cheese basket with fries
For dinner I am going to have some Thai noodles of some kind and some egg rolls
Some sort of ice cream, maybe cold stone, or DQ

I know this sounds like a gross amount of food, but its what it recommended by the book, so I don't know what else to do. This diet makes you think about what it is you want over the course of a week leading up to your cheat day, so you have a pretty good idea of what do buy that day. Sitting at the office, or at my other job, ideas will pop into my head, and I just need to make a list of what I am craving this week. Last week it was a chinese buffet, which I realized I could probably do on the diet, I have some pizza and some ice cream, and some chocolate donut holes.

I think this diet is really going to teach me to manage my temptations well. This diet is really making me utilize sunday as a day to cook food for the rest of the week as well. Planning is really important in this case, because I want to always have a few items available to myself to eat. I am already planning what I should buy tonight when i am done at work. More chicken, and some salad are the 2 top things. I will also look at what the price on some shrimp would be. I need to get some more broccoli and cauliflower for roasting as well.

My cheat day was fun, the night before it I had a dream about food, but only the bad kinds of foods. I definitely drooled on the pillow.

I had my normal high protein breakfast before delving into the depths of carbs. Oh how sweet carbs are, but of course also the cause of all of my problems. I like the idea of limiting all of my carbs into one day. It makes me plan ahead, and limit all of the things I eat to what I can consume in one day and not actually explode. Culvers was great for lunch, a double butter burger with fries so deliciously greasy. I had some Cold Stone, which is probably my favorite ice cream. I love Ben and Jerry's, but it makes me sick if I have too much, its too rich. Cold Stone is nice and creamy, and not that heavy. I love the cake batter ice cream. I like the peach iced tea ice cream, but I don't really know what to mix in with it, so its not that great of an offering from Cold Stone.

I had some chocolate milk with some cake, which was disappointing. The chocolate milk was amazing, and I had missed it, but the cake really somehow missed the spot. For dinner I had some Thai noodles with some eggrolls. It was a good dinner and some more carbs. I am glad that I got rid of any of the leftovers of my bad foods before the night was over, and I threw some stuff out rather forcing myself to finish all of it, which was some development in myself. I would usually, in the past, just binge on the sweets to finish them.

I spent a lot of the day cooking. I am liking more and more the fact that I can spend a few hours cooking on a sunday and have food for myself for the whole week. Having food ready to eat at home makes all of the other temptations much easier to resist. I made some chicken, some steak, some broccoli and some cauliflower. I might need to look into making some new sort of way of preparing vegetables, but its not a big deal. Maybe some curry vegetables for a change of pace.

I had my usual lunch from Burrachos today, and it really is filling. I was worried a burrito without rice would not be able to hold me over through the last 4-5 hours of work, but the fact that I get double beans really helps keep me full.

I got a new tape measure to take my measurements with because my old one was falling apart. If I were to compare my new measurements with my old ones I have lost 6 total inches from my body over the course of a week and a half, which is really good news. I still have not received my scale so I can't report on any weight loss at all, but I should be getting it today or tomorrow. I have felt like my clothes have been looser on me, which is a great feeling, but it might just be psychological. I am ok with tricking myself into thinking things are looser as long as I am feeling better.

Looking ahead to this weekend, I am making my first trip away from home while on the diet so it should be a different experience. I still have my cheat day to use so it won't be so hard to keep the good work up.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My Memory

I have an amazing memory, and I remember things too well in some cases. I can vividly remember things from my fairly early childhood. Not just images, but more of videos. I can remember things with my family, that no one else can remember. Of course my short-term memory can be very iffy, and can just magically disappear, so i end up writing stuff down so I don't forget the important things.

I think my taste in movies, music, and television has a lot to do with my memory. I can remember hearing or watching things at important times in my life, and I have stuck with those things. Bands like Weezer and Barenaked Ladies remind me of happy times in my past, and have also helped shape my taste in music. I remember hearing Weezer's songs from the Blue Album on Casey Kasem's Top 40 when we were living in Austria. I am sure no one else from my family remembers that, but I happen to remember the specifics of that. I even remember hearing the song from That Thing You Do, also titled That Thing You Do, getting near the top of the charts.

My memory has made me a very nostalgic person. I still get nostalgic when I was Star Wars: A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back, we used to have them taped off of an HBO free weekend broadcast, which might have been celebrating the opening of Star Tours or something related to Disneyland. We didn't have the complete trilogy, I don't think we even had both of those two in their entirety, I think we had all of Empire Strikes Back, and then we had the ending of A New Hope. I never really saw the complete trilogy til later when they were re-realeased in special edition. This did not in fact, in any way, change my love for Star Wars. I think by waiting until I was old enough to truly appreciate them, it only made my love for Star Wars stronger.

The bad part about my memory is that I tend to associate things with certain people, then when that person crushes me, the things I have associated with them kind of get dropped for a while. I know that sounds weird, but because my memory links them together so strongly, I have to take some time off from Bob Dylan, or Scrubs, or whatever other things happen to fall into this trap. I can't blame anyone but myself for this, but its not even something that I do voluntarily, it just happens.

I think the fact that I can look back and remember the misery that my depression brought to me in the past, it makes it easier to be proactive about finding ways to stop the depression from coming back. I don't ever want to go back there, I still remember exactly how it felt, and I need to work hard to avoid falling back into that pit.

My memory is what makes me so good at trivia, I can just recall random things. There are certain parts of trivia that involve logic, and if you don't know the answer you can work it out. I can recall random moments from The Simpsons without even trying. This actually came in handy during trivia a few months ago. The question was which former Beatle make an appearance in the Simpsons episode with Homer's Babershop Quartet? The answer of course was George Harrison, but  we were the only group to get that right, and I knew the answer right way. What a nerd I am.

My memory has been great to me for the most part, but every once in a while it will throw me a curveball, recently it has gotten me to think about the girl that I dated back in October of last year, I have not seen or heard from her in a long time, yet suddenly I was thinking about her again. My brain has done a great job of idealizing her. Don't get me wrong she was awesome and I enjoyed just about every second with her, and even if she was right for me, I was not right for her. She was looking for someone she could get drunk at the bar with, never once did she even try to include me in this, she just ruled me out. Well maybe I would have enjoyed going out and shooting pool, but I guess we will never know. She had a lot of growing to do within herself, and she was not ready to do that. I did not intend to write much about this girl, but my mind has nonetheless brought me to it.

She loved to talk the talk, but when it came down to it she could not walk the walk. I hate being verbally led on, it is my least favorite thing to have happen in a relationship. I want someone to be honest with me. She was the one that was talking about our future and stuff like that then, less than a week later, she decided to end things. On a Monday she left me a love note taped to my door, and on a Saturday she stopped by to use my restroom and dump me, out of no where. I didn't know that communication could be that hard for someone. Nor that someone could have a change of heart that fast. I really need to stop idealizing this girl. I highly doubt that I will ever see her again, and even if I did, that she would have any interest in me. I also highly doubt that I would be able to trust a word that she says. I guess without any current crush in my life, I have nothing else for my mind to fantasize about it just defaults back to her, which is shitty.

It also is rough because I am avoiding trying to meet anyone new while i am working on myself so I may be stuck in my current state of being. I guess I need to find a way to accept it and also to move on, but i can only tackle so many things at once. I think losing weight should take priority over everything else right now. I will work on other things while I can.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My New Diet Plan

I've always been weak willed when it comes to resisting foods. I have spent plenty of time thinking about where I have gone wrong in the past. I can name several of my food weaknesses.

Sweets are by far the worst food addiction that I have. I really need to work on eliminating sweets from my world. Actually I think carbs in general have always been a big comfort to me, but I really need to work on limiting what types of carbs I eat. Pop has never been an issue, I grew up without it really around, so I only have it on occasion, and I am most likely going to cut both regular and diet pops out of my diet completely. I can find an alternative, like something along the lines of crystal light, or unsweetened iced tea.

Fast food has been an issue because its just so convenient, and with my weak willedness I have given in from time to time and eaten fast food. Even if I am on my way home from work, I can talk myself into stopping for some fast food. I need to stop being lazy, and I need to be more concerned with what I am eating if I want to make a change in myself. This blog really helped me work through my depression a lot, and this is the next step of what I would like to change in myself.

I think I am also addicted to dairy products, from what I have been reading in the diet book, lactose is horrible for your insulin production, and skim milk causes a large insulin spike. I think that some dairy products are ok, but I listened to a podcast with the writer of this book on it, and he said if you had to cut one  thing out of your diet he would recommend cutting skim milk out first.

I need to work on eating smaller amounts of food. The diet I am reading the book for is not about portion control, but I have not doubt that controlling my portions could be very helpful as well.

Well I am still currently reading my way through my diet book, but I would like to at the very least implement some changes right now.

I am going to need to try to cook more often, and maybe try to make some new types of things. I am always open to new ideas from people. I am trying to think of new ways to incorporate vegetables in my life, so that they don't get boring. I don't think I will be able to eat just raw vegetables every meal of every day. I already do oven roasted vegetables, which are good, but variety is always good. I am also looking for more ways to work beans and lentils into my diet. One of the lessons I have taken from the book so far, is that lean protein is the best way to stay full, as well as eliminating carbohydrates from the diet. I guess I shouldn't say eliminating, but limiting carbohydrates.

My breakfast will consist of some sort of veggie and bean mixture, right now its roasted onions, roasted red peppers, corn, and black beans. Most of those things I had as leftovers. I also mix in some turkey sausage of some kind, and some eggs. I like to make the vegetable mixture ahead of time, and then put it into daily sized containers. I think it will be pretty easy for me to cook one week's worth of this mixture on a Sunday and then  eat it throughout the week. I am also planning on having a glass of grapefruit juice, which when combined with caffeine in tea is supposed to help burn fat in your body faster. I know it sounds like some sort of scam, but this book is deeply researched, and I trust the findings in it. Grapefruit juice tastes like ass...I just needed to share that.

Lunch and dinner are some meals that still need some more work on planning for me. I have been enjoying salads with some sort of lunch meat on it, and some sort of vinaigrette. I need to learn to make some new low fat meat dishes that don't require firing up the grill. I guess I can just cook on the foreman grill.

The diet actually plans in a cheat day every week. The logic is that if you can indulge in foods that would cause you to break the diet once a week, you will be much more likely to stay on the diet for longer. I think lots of people have a habit of being on a diet and then after only a few weeks or a month they cheat on the diet, and that causes them to throw in the towel, rather than continuing the diet after indulging.

I really have liked the book so far, it takes a very scientific and investigative look at dieting in general, as well as disproving some diet myths that are out there. I really like what I have learned and look forward to learning more from it. I will probably share more details as i work my way deeper into the book.

I have been looking through all of my cookbooks to find recipes that fit in well with this diet plan. I need to incorporate more beans and lentils into my diet. I have found some great curry lentil recipes in one of the books I have. I think just adding some chipotle sauce or chili garlic sauce will make just plain beans more delicious.

There is a bit of a learning curve with this diet. I actually need to eat more in volume to make up for all of the actual calories that I am cutting out. The writer of this book actually advises having 4 meals a day, if they are 60%-70% vegetables, that will still be quite low in calories. For breakfast just today, I ate 3 fried eggs, turkey sausage, and a whole can of green beans. I rinsed the green beans to remove some extra sodium. I am still feeling a bit hungry, but I will have some black beans with breakfast tomorrow, I did not have any on hand and had forgotten to buy some last night. The book recommends having at least 20 grams of protein with each  meal, including at least 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking up to keep your metabolism

Recipe Ideas:
Mashed white beans to take the place of mashed potatoes or other starches
Mashed cauliflower can serve the same purpose, and I thing both can be delicious
My normal chili recipe is all vegetables and chicken, I would just need to cut out the cheese and sour cream
Curried vegetables, with or without chicken, or with some beans
I could have a nice bean and tuna salad with some other vegetables mixed in, and some light dressing
In the summer grilled meats will be good to have, in the winter there might be more soups/stews
I am thinking that shrimp, and fish would be good to bring into the diet, lean protein is good stuff

For lunch today I am going to burrachos, and I will be having a burrito bowl with no rice, I will ask if I can have extra beans in there, I will either get chicken or carnitas(pork) I will get 2 different kinds of salsa in the bowl. The diet book also says that avocados are one of the few fruits that I can eat, along with tomatoes.

Another idea that I had was instead of having rice with Chinese food, I am going to put some raw shredded cabbage and carrots (cole slaw mix) underneath and use that to soak up the sauce. I am going to make some peanut chicken for dinner tonight, with a lot of broccoli in it and have it on top of the cabbage. I am also going to try this with some stir fry at a later time, its a sad thing that I can not include pineapple in my stir fry though.

I am sure that I will be sharing many more food ideas as I move on further with this diet, but I think that this a good start for me. I am always open to suggestions for new things to cook.

By the way I have not mentioned the name of the book have I?

The book is The 4 Hour Body by Tim Ferriss

If you have struggled with dieting like I have in the past, this book is a really great solution. I think that this book takes a unique approach to dieting, and really was helpful in understanding the reasoning behind the different restrictions and suggestions that the book makes. I have only this far read the dieting sections of the book. I am not sure if I will read any of the other sections, but I will have them available to me.

I would have written about my starting weight, but I don't have access to a scale that can measure my massive weight, and right now my budget does not really allow for me to go anywhere to get any kind of body analysis. I have take measurements of my different body parts as suggested in the book. The book recommended measuring both arms mid bicep(for some reason measuring the left one was much easier than measuring the right), it says the waist and around the navel(but that is not really my waist), around the hips at the widest point, and finally both legs mid thigh. If I mention losing inches from my measurements this is what I am referring to.

If anyone else out there has any experiences with this book, and would like to offer me some suggestions, please let me know.

If anyone wants to discuss dieting stuff with me let me know. I am always up for a good discussion.

PS: I have ordered a scale online, but it wont be here for like a week.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Super 8

Super 8 is a well layered movie. There are two main story lines throughout most of the movie, that intertwine at times. I am still drinking in this movie. I got out of the theater about an hour ago. It really is a different take on the monster movie. I really like what JJ Abrams did with this movie. The movie reminded me a lot of some alien movies like ET and Close Encounters of the Third Kind. I am not sure if that was because Steven Spielberg was involved, or if that was the idea all along. If I had to guess I would guess that it was because the was what JJ Abrams wanted to do.

I really liked that this movie did a good job with the special effects that it used. I think a lot of the technique used in Cloverfield was also used in this movie, although these are 2 very different movies. This movie shows growth from a lot of the characters. This movie has a variety of emotions in it. There are some very sad scenes, some very funny scenes, some jumpy scenes, and of course some lovey dovey scenes too.

This movie should not be pigeon holed into a movie that is just for a certain type of person. I don't think it is as much of a family movie as ET can be, but even though there is some violence, it is not graphic violence. I think anyone mid teens and up can enjoy this movie. 

Elle Fanning does a really good job in this movie, at times she is playing a character who is playing a character. I know that sounds really weird, but its really what happens in the movie. This movie really makes me want to go back and re-watch ET and Close Encounters, it has been quite a while since I have seen those movies. I actually think all of the children in this movie do a great job.

 I am really trying to be vague with this review, because I really don't want to give away any of the mystique of this movie. I think they did a great job with the trailers for this movie as well as the mystique and mystery within the movie itself. 

There are quite a few themes in this movie. It is hard to discuss all of them without giving too much away. There is a not so subtle anti-drug message in the movie, which I found very enjoyable. Being understanding is a big theme throughout the movie.

Make sure you stay a bit into the credits for something very special.

Friday, June 10, 2011

X-Men First Class

With this post, I am going to start putting movie reviews into their own posts, no one wants to read through all of my other writing just to see what I thought of a movie.

My Review of X-men: First Class: I really, really, really liked this movie. It really built a great back story to the X-Men. A little bit of it had been previously shown in movies, but this really builds the story up. The performances by Michael Fassbender and James Mcavoy. I also enjoyed Jennifer Lawrence but that might be because she was either wearing a short skirt, or wearing little more than blue paint.

This movie is darker than the previous X-men movies, and really shows the anger and rage, and instability behind the character of Magneto. It also shows the compassion that Charles Xavier tries to instill in all of the fellow mutants. I like that they didn't use all of the same old characters that had been used. They introduced some characters that I was previously unaware of. They did make reference to some of the better known characters if you pay close attention to the movie. This movie has a lot of drama, as well as relationship building to it, as well as teenagers searching for their true identity, which I think we can all relate to.

I think most people who wanted to see this movie, have done so, or have plans to do so. If you are still on the fence, I say go see it. It was not quite what I had expected, but it was very enjoyable, and it passed my expectations.

I also enjoyed hearing Kevin Bacon speak German in this movie. I usually enjoy getting to listen to some German in just about anything at all.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Underrated Movies

I have been thinking of all sorts of random topics that I can write about and this one was definitely one of the lists that I would like to cover on my blog. I am sure I could write about 100s of movies, but I would love to share some movies that people may have missed in years past. These could also have been movies that were overlooked in theaters.

Two of my favorite movies from last year Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World and Kick-Ass, were movies that were not properly marketed, although I don't know how you could have properly marketed comedic action comic book/video game movies. People who knew about it were excited for it, but I am guessing a ton of people who would have really enjoyed them did not watch them. I have been preaching the greatness of these movies since I saw them. I just wish there was a way to get more people in contact with them. They are no doubt geeky movies, but that does not mean only geeks would enjoy them.

I recently watched Its Kind of a Funny story, and wrote about it in a previous entry of my blog, but I just think it is an all around good movie that even I was guilty of overlooking. It is funny, but I could also relate to the angst, and depression the main character was going through. I think lots of people have been through tough times psychologically.

Please don't stop reading this here, but I really enjoy Airheads. It has a decent rating of 5.7 on IMDB.com. I am not telling you that the story is great, but I think its a funny movie. Adam Sandler before he got too big, Brendan Fraser at the top of his game, and Steve Buscemi, all have some great scenes. Chris Farley is in this as well, not a lot, but in a decent role.

Big Fan: Comedian Patton Oswalt puts on a great dramatic performance. I really thought he could have been nominated for what he was able to do, but then again I might be a little biased. I guess this isn't completely a drama, more of a dark comedy, but either way I loved the slower pace, and the crisis that the main character is going through. Worth checking out for sports fans and non sports fans alike.

I guess I am going to just work my way through my dvd binder, I don't know when I will stop, I could just write a really long post and split it into a few parts.

Next in the binder is American Splendor. I think this movies was one of the first roles that drew Paul Giamatti lots of critical acclaim, I remember lots of them wanting him to be nominated for best actor for this movie. Its another movie in the drama/dark comedy spectrum. It follows the life of Harvey Pekar, who created a comic that followed his life. I love how the movie is made, and just about every aspect of the story in it. Really well made, and underrated in my mind. It has a score of 90/100 on metacrittic.com which is a very good score. Just a movie not enough people have seen.

Not something that has neccessarily been overlooked, but Baseketball is still such a very watchable movie, and it really foretold a lot of the issues that would come in the sports world. If you have not seen it, and lover comedies like I do, you have to watch it. I think its a comedy about sports, that works really well for a nonsports crowd.

Be Kind Rewind: I remember seeing a trailer for this movie online, and then I waited forever for it to be released in the Eau Claire area, but that never happened. Now it wasn't an amazing movie, it was though, a very heartwarming story with some good laughs in it.

Cinderella Man: Based on a true story, this movie is about a boxer, his family, and his manager during the depression. Starring Russell Crowe and Paul Giamatti, it really showed a lot of what the depression was like for some people, and also how this everyman boxer could bring inspiration to lots of people in such a dark time. It really isn't a sports movie, it is so much more than that. I don't think it ever hit it that big at the box office. Definitely worth checking out.

Deep Blue Sea is a guilty pleasure of mine. I love me some LL Cool J and his parrot named Bird. I think this movie is entertaining, and I remember it from when i was in middle school. Its got some jumpy scenes but not scary really. I think its a great movie to watch with friends and laugh about.

Fanboys: this movie was delayed in its release for a few years, but its a funny journey of some kids to steal a copy of Star Wars Episode 1 so they can see it before it is released. Its a bit dated, but its an entertaining movie for Star Wars geeks.

High Fidelity: This is easily my favorite John Cusack movie. I also really like the sound track. I really seem to connect with movies about male heartache, because I am a romantic at heart and am yearning for my own romance. I am sure that I have gone through some of the different things that he went through in this movie. Trying to understand what the point of relationships are.

Hot Rod: Its from the guys who have since become more famous for their music in The Lonely Island. This comedy is quite clean, although it is kind of weird and random. It is very funny and will make you laugh no matter who you are.

Hot Shots and Hot Shot Part Deux: If you want to see Charlie Sheen in his prime, these are the movies to watch. They are slapstick humor parodies. I enjoy these movies, I can remember watching them when I was younger, I think the nostalgic feel that I have for these movies also helps in my enjoying them.

Kung Fu Hustle: The only foreign film that I have included on this list, although I was considering including Amelie, but I thought it was adequately rated. This movies is a Kung Fu Comedy, you have to watch some subtitles, but it is totally worth it. I remember being rumors of a sequel being made, but I don't think that has happened, so far at least. It has some good action to it, as well as some cool fight scenes. There are of course some slapsticky laughs, but I can't complain about that one bit!

Black Dynamite: This movie was a late addition to the list, mostly because it had just slipped my mind until now. Its a parody of the whole genre of Blacksploitation films. Its so well done, I know there is a sequel to this currently being worked on. It is comedic at times because of how it shows different things that happened in these exploitation films, but the story itself is funny and interesting. There are some fight scenes. It is definitely a movie that not enough people have seen.

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen:  Another guilty pleasure of mine. I would not argue that this is a good film, but that it is very enjoyable. I love the idea of combining the worlds of numerous literary characters into one world. The characters are all cool, and Sean Connery never hurts. This movie definitely appealed to my geeky side.

The whole Leprechaun series. These movies are my favorite bad horror movies. These movies are just so funny. I have to thank my older brother for being into them, he really turned me on to these movies. The series is up to 5 or maybe 6 movies. I have 1 and 2 on one dvd and 5 on another dvd. Jennifer Aniston is in the first movie. Some of the action scenes are so ridiculously funny, that you just have to see them.

Easy A: I passed this movie by when it first came out because, although I enjoy Emma Stone, I didn't think the story would be that interesting, but it really truly was. I am glad that I watched it, and it is actually on Instant Netflix, or at least it was. It is a funny story, but also has a very heartfelt side to it.

Mystery Men: This might be my favorite Ben Stiller movie ever made. Its a random group of "superheroes" I put that word in quotes because they have some of the least appealing talents out there. The town has a hero, played by Greg Kinnear, who is a sell out and is also kind of washed up. I don't want to spoil any of it for those who have not seen it. Really worth checking out, I promise!

Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist: This is an anti-romantic movie of sorts, with Michael Cera and Kat Dennings. I think Dennings is quite underrated, she does a really great job in this movie. The movie has a lot to do with music, but also with life and with relationships. It really makes you think about those things, while also enjoying the movie.

Orange County: I love this movie. Colin Hanks and Jack Black have some great interplay in this movie. It also has some good John Lithgow action involved in it as well. Its about how someone learns to deal with his very messed up little family.

Poolhall Junkies: I found out about this movie from my roommate freshman year of college, its a lot like rounders, but involves pool. I think the dialog has a more jokes to it, and it generally more witty than Rounders. There is no Matt Damon or Edward Norton, but there is some Christopher Walken action and the brilliant Chazz Palminteri.

The Rocker: Another underrated movie from Emma Stone. It also has Rainn Wilson in it, and Jason Sudeikis, who as I am writing this is hosting the MTV Movie Awards. This movie has a very redemptive quality to it. And wow as I am writing this Emma Stone just walked on stage too. I guess I just had to write about this movie, it is fate. This movie is funny, and for the most part clean.

Short Circuit: This movie is a classic from my childhood. Who doesn't enjoy an 80's tale involving robots? This is just not the same type of robot movie, it has heart to it, and it also has Steve Guttenberg, and a guy who sounds like he doing a bad impression of Apu from the Simpsons. I will always have nostalgic feelings for this movie, but its also very entertaining.

Starship Troopers: This is one of those movies that I will always watch if it is on tv. It is just a very entertaining movie, that has some relationship drama built into it. Oh yeah and aliens, I forgot to mention the aliens. Its not the highest quality alien movie, but it is an entertaining one nonetheless.

Stranger Than Fiction: This might be my favorite Will Ferrell performance. He does such a great job of playing the straight man in this movie. I also enjoyed the performance from Maggie Gyllenhaal, and really all of the story in this movie.

Super Mario Brothers: This movie is a classic for what it isn't. What it isn't is a good movie. Its terrible, in fact. I really wish there would be a cool Super Mario Brother movie, but I guess i will have to settle for the terrible one. They somehow got Dennis Hopper to play King Koopa, but the story just does no really seem to make that much sense. Anyone who is familiar with the video games should be able to enjoy this bad movie.

The Terminal: I enjoy Tom Hanks' performance in this movie, and also Stanley Tucci's performance. A lot of this movie is about what some people are willing to do for love. I think that sums up a lot of it without giving away too much. You get to hear Tom Hanks talk in an accent. Isn't that enough to entice your interest?

Unbreakable: I think this is by far my favorite movie from M. Night Shyamalan. I love the job done by Samuel L. Jackson. I love the comic book-ishness of this movie. The movie does a pretty decent job of capturing the motives behind some people in the world, or what they would really be if supervillains existed.

And last but definitely not least, Bridesmaids. Bridesmaids is 89% fresh on Rottentomatoes.com and The Hangover part 2 is very rotten at only 35%. These number represent the percentage of reviews of the movie that were positive. I think this movie was just very original. Its not a chick flick, it just happens to be a very funny movie that happens to have mostly female characters.

Well I guess I have proven that I can write a long post about movies. I think this is a list that I can add to over time as well and repost the article, so comment a lot. Even suggest your own movies if you would like.

I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.