Tuesday, June 28, 2011

True Grit

I have never seen the original movie True Grit, nor have I read the book. I understand that this "remake" is more of a reimagining, as it is based upon the book, not replicating the previous movie. I have been picking through this review slowly. I had some things written, but then I decided to erase them and almost start over. I watched it for a second time to try to get my thoughts straight.

I liked how scenic the movie was. I liked the performances, I think Hailee Steinfeld has a bright future ahead of her, and of course Matt Damon and Jeff bridges did great jobs with their characters.

Listening to Jeff Bridges' character talk about his life while they are riding provides some great comic relief, plus it also really allows Jeff Bridges to create his own character with the role. There are enough laughs in the movie to break up some of the lulls, of course I probably laughed in places that other people wouldn't have laughed.

I think my favorite part of the movie was the bickering between Damon and Bridges, pretty much stuck in a constant contest to show who is better, when it is obvious that neither of them deserve to win the contest.

I think all of the main characters show such great rapport with each other. The chemistry feels so natural between Rooster Cogburn, Mattie Ross, and LeBoeuf. Their individual personalities play off of each other in different scenes in the movie. Rooster and Leboeuf both try to be the alpha male of the group to no avail.

I rarely comment on something like the score of the movie, or the cinematography, but this movie was just so well shot. There were so many great shots, even if the characters were just riding their horses, that just showed wonderful scenery. The score really gives the movie the proper feel. It may be very simplistic, but it goes well with the scenes, and does not get in the way of anything in the movie.

I really think this movie is worth watching for anyone who like Coen brothers'  movies, people who like westerns, and just about anyone who is interested. It is an entertaining movie with some good performances.

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