Sunday, June 26, 2011

Visiting My Mother

This is my first trip out of town on my diet, so I course I was a little bit nervous. This was also my first trip to see my mom's new house.

The house is awesome. Its quite big compared to our old house, or at least the layout would make it seem like it is. It actually had 2 garages that are each separately contained. My step father had turned one of them into his "man cave". I really like the big yard they have. My little brother and I went out to play catch first thing when we got here, my mom has a nice garden going out in the back yard, something she has not really been able to do in the last few years, but she seems really excited about it this year.

I think my mom is one of only a few people that would have a 60 inch hdtv and not pay the extra money for HD, but its all good. I was kind of shocked that they would not want to see everything in bright and colorful HD, which would allow them to actually utilize their whole tv, right now there are black bars at the top and bottom when watching any channel.

Last night at dinner we were going to go to a German restaurant a town over, German food is kind of our thing, it brings back the memories. The restaurant was busy so we decided not to stick around for the 45 minute wait. We went to a restaurant that was down road, it was more of a home cooking type of restaurant. The only problem there was that I could not have any of the sides they were offering. I did get a very large peace of fish for my dinner, but some of those breaded fish pieces, or some breaded shrimp would have been delicious. I got a side of refried beans to go with my corn so that I would at least get filled up.

The next day my mother, brother and I went to the Milwaukee County Zoo. We didn't think it would be that big, but we literally spent the whole day there.

We parked outside of the zoo grounds and decided to walk in to the zoo as other people were doing the same. There was some water draining under one of the gates at a very slow trickle, so I thought nothing of it. As soon as my foot even touched the water, I realized how very slimy it was, I also realized that I was going to fall, fast. I scraped my knee and cut my hand a little bit, but I was not going to let that stop me from going to the zoo. I rinsed my hand and knee off in the bathroom, and put some bandaids on me before heading into the zoo.

They had quite a few cool exhibits at the zoo, I really enjoyed the weather we had. It was warm, but not too warm, with a little humidity. We all put sunscreen on so none of us got burnt at all. I really liked the layout of the zoo. It was logically organized. The primates were really cool, although I don't think we went to see the gorillas now that I am thinking about it. There were lots of energetic primates, there were also some others that were just people watching, which was ok with me too.

There were some cool penguins who were active, swimming around, some were getting fed, some were hopping on the rocks. They were very entertaining. The only other bird that I really remember in the bird section was the Rhinoceros hornbill, which looked cool as hell.

They had a great selection of big cats from around the world at this zoo. They had a jaguar, lions, a tiger, a leopard, I think that was it but there might have been others that I am forgetting. They seemed to want to taunt the big cats. The cats were able to see prey that they would go after in the natural environment, but could not get to them because of big moats being in the way. It really seemed cruel to the animals.

I didn't realize the zoo was where young mothers loved to take their kids, especially on a saturday. I guess it is a good way to get some exercise, and wear the kids out, while also learning about animals. It was also a great place to see some terrible parenting, I don't understand how some parents can be so bad. One mother had lost her son because he must have walked off when she was standing there texting someone on her phone. She was saying his name and walking back where she was, while leaving her daughter in a little cart all alone. That seems like a double fail to me. It really would have been a great place to people watch, so many interesting people doing interesting things all day long.

Anyone who is looking to hit on some hot young moms should really go to the zoo, especially in the summer I'm guessing. That would not be what I would choose for my target group, but it might be for some of you out there.

Back to the attractions at the zoo, I really was not that impressed by the amphibians and reptiles. I thought the giant octopus was really cool, I have never really seen one in person. It was not really moving, but was still really cool looking.

The seals and sea lions did a little show. The show was ok. I thought they would do more jumps or flips or something like that, and less kissing and hugging of the trainers. When my brother and I were walking down to see the underwater view of the polar bear tank, a bird flew right past him and into the window. It was the weirdest thing that I have ever seen. The bird eventually got up and left the area, but it was just crazy.

The fennec fox looked really cool as well, its a small fox that lives in the dessert that, it looked so cute and cuddly, but that would probably be a very bad idea. It was a good day overall. We got to see lots of cool animals, and got some good exercise.

On Sunday we went to the local outlet mall and my brother and I each got a bunch of new clothes. Thanks Mom!

I kind of skipped over a lot of stuff, but I have been trying to wrap this up for a while.

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