Sunday, June 12, 2011

Super 8

Super 8 is a well layered movie. There are two main story lines throughout most of the movie, that intertwine at times. I am still drinking in this movie. I got out of the theater about an hour ago. It really is a different take on the monster movie. I really like what JJ Abrams did with this movie. The movie reminded me a lot of some alien movies like ET and Close Encounters of the Third Kind. I am not sure if that was because Steven Spielberg was involved, or if that was the idea all along. If I had to guess I would guess that it was because the was what JJ Abrams wanted to do.

I really liked that this movie did a good job with the special effects that it used. I think a lot of the technique used in Cloverfield was also used in this movie, although these are 2 very different movies. This movie shows growth from a lot of the characters. This movie has a variety of emotions in it. There are some very sad scenes, some very funny scenes, some jumpy scenes, and of course some lovey dovey scenes too.

This movie should not be pigeon holed into a movie that is just for a certain type of person. I don't think it is as much of a family movie as ET can be, but even though there is some violence, it is not graphic violence. I think anyone mid teens and up can enjoy this movie. 

Elle Fanning does a really good job in this movie, at times she is playing a character who is playing a character. I know that sounds really weird, but its really what happens in the movie. This movie really makes me want to go back and re-watch ET and Close Encounters, it has been quite a while since I have seen those movies. I actually think all of the children in this movie do a great job.

 I am really trying to be vague with this review, because I really don't want to give away any of the mystique of this movie. I think they did a great job with the trailers for this movie as well as the mystique and mystery within the movie itself. 

There are quite a few themes in this movie. It is hard to discuss all of them without giving too much away. There is a not so subtle anti-drug message in the movie, which I found very enjoyable. Being understanding is a big theme throughout the movie.

Make sure you stay a bit into the credits for something very special.

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