Monday, November 18, 2013

Food Adventures: Black Cat Cafe in Green Bay, WI

This will be a shortish entry, but I just wanted share about this amazing cafe that has the best savory breakfast dish I have ever had. My mouth is actually watering just as I am typing this.

The Black Cat Cafe is on Broadway Street just a little bit south of downtown. The cafe has 2 halves, there is a dining area as well as a bar area. The decor is quite unique with paintings by local artists all over the walls, as well as some unique kitschy decor. I really like the feel of it, almost a little bit hipsterish, there isn't much that is like it in the Green Bay area.

They only do the full brunch menu on Sundays, and I believe they are known for the variety of bloody marys that they offer, although I don't drink so I have never tried that specialty.

The main thing I wanted to show was the dish that I have gotten each of the last 5 times I have gone there:

I present to you the Pulled Pork Eggs Benedict from the Black Cat Cafe. The dish consists of cornbread topped with pulled pork, topped with poached eggs and some amazing hollandaise sauce, with a side of their cafe potatoes. Once again my mouth is watering just at the thought of this dish. I had it earlier today, but I am hungry for it again.

The buttery hollandaise, the gooey egg, the salty pulled pork, and the sweetness of the corn bread all combining together for an amazing taste combination. It truly is the best savory breakfast dish that I have ever had. I am not someone who will always get the same thing at a restaurant, but I can't bring myself to get away from this one, its just too delicious.

Here is the shot of my plate after I was done:
I would normally have eaten the orange but it was sprinkled with pepper so I wasn't feeling adventurous enough to eat it.

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