Thursday, November 7, 2013

Peter's Cooking Diary #10

Its time for a slightly delayed edition of my cooking diary, and this week I had some fun, I actually made 2 dishes in my slow cooker this week, but without much further ado I will start with some of the pictures!

 This is some of the onions garlic and mushrooms from last week as well as some bacon getting warmed up.

 Next I added some eggs and cooked up a nice scramble for breakfast, I had this for breakfast most days last week. It was a delicious and very flavorful way to start the day!

This is another example of things I mixed in with my eggs, chopped up and smoked salmon with bacon as well. Another delicious breakfast scramble.

How do I start just about every cooking day, bacon!!!!

The delicious bacon after it has finished giving up all of its delicious fat.

I also start a lot of my cooking with onion and garlic cooking in bacon fat, I love the smell of these all cooking together.

This is tomatoes, onions, garlic, carrots, and spices in my slow cooker on top of the pork loin that I was cooking this week.

This is what it looked like once I covered the pork with the sauce.

This is another reason why I love Aldi, they have great German food available for cheap prices. I love hand made Spaetzle a little bit more as they have a unique texture to them that I am not sure you can get from a dried product.

The cauliflower that would go into my 2nd dish, it was a total of 2 heads chopped up.

This is the creamy cheesy cauliflower when it went into the slow cooker. The foil was in the crock pot to prevent the cheese from burning. One of the ingredients in the liquid sauce is condensed cheddar cheese soup, which is a great base for cheese sauces.

This is the steamy and cooked cauliflower that I ended up with. I really like the recipe, I may try to add a little flavor to the recipe next time, but the recipe did call for it to be topped with the rendered bacon. I liked it with a lot of black pepper for that little bite to it.

This might be a little hard to tell, but this is what I ate for lunch this week, and actually some for dinner too. Pork loin steak served on top of spaetzle smothered in the sauce it was cooked in, along with some creamy cheesy, cauliflower.

So this weekend I also had a friend over for our own little dinner party, I don't do much entertaining, but we both wanted to have a kind of spread like this. There is some cranberry cheddar cheese, kalamata olives, smoked salmon, garlic and herb cheese curds, pickles I got from my aunt in Missouri, pumpkin spice cream cheese, almonds, amish hand rolled butter, wheat crackers and a baguette. It was great and a lot of fun!

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