Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Thor: The Dark World

This is the first Marvel Studios produced movie that I almost didn't go see in the theater. I didn't really like the first Thor all that much, and it didn't seem like the story was all that great, and I just didn't care about the character all that much either. If Tom Hiddleston had not been in this movie, I can only imagine how bad it would have been.

Loki provides a lot of the comedic elements in the movie as well as a lot of the general entertainment. I wish there was a way that Loki could have his own movie, but that just doesn't seem likely, but he will likely be a part of all future Thor movies, especially with how this movie played out.

I found the style and special effects in the movie to be kind of off putting, they reminded me of a combination of the style and effects from the Star Wars prequels and the Lord of the Rings movies. It was trying to be a combination of both science fiction and fantasy. I really didn't like the science fiction elements, the awkward flying ships, the laser cannons that appeared for the situation, when also they fight a normal battle without cannons or anything, just hand to hand weapons. It really just didn't work for me, I think they wanted to replicate things that were successful in other movies, but that stuff didn't work all meshed together.

I felt like Natalie Portman really phoned it in in this movie. She just seemed out of place in it. I don't know if it was just the feel of the film, or the lackluster script, but it really felt like she wasn't really caring about her performance.

I don't know if there will be another Thor movie, but I think they can do a lot better than they did with this one. I think the fact that Thor isn't that well known to people who haven't read the comics makes it a bit harder for him to carry a film. A lot of the Avengers are in the same boat, Iron Man was able to break through this in the 3 movies, now I think people will know what to expect from an Iron Man movie. I really don't know what people will expect out of another Thor movie.

I have updated my movie rankings for the year, and while I haven't seen all that many movies this year, I just couldn't put this above World War Z. I think I would much rather see World War Z again than I would Thor: The Dark World.

9. Pain & Gain
8. Thor: The Dark World
7. World War Z
6. Pacific Rim
5. Iron Man 3
4. Star Trek Into Darkness
3. This Is the End
2. The World's End

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