Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Lego Movie

Well it has been a week and a half since I have seen the movie, I normally give myself only a few days to ponder something, my life has been hectic the past week plus so I am just now getting around to writing about the movie.

I really wanted to start by talking about my limited expectations for the movie originally. January and February is usually the dumping ground for movies that did not live up to their expectations, so even though I love Lego, it was something I had limited expectations for at best. The movie however got an enormous boost in my mind because of its elevated rating on, when I saw the movie it was sitting around 97% positive reviews. I don't go by ratings, but they can definitely make me more interested in a movie that I was on the fence about.

The movie really was everything I thought it would be and much much more. It had great casting of its characters, great imagination behind it, great jokes, great writing, and great twists involved in it. The Lego universe has greatly expanded since I was a kid with all sorts of branded merchandise including Star Wars and DC Comics. A lot of the things I grew up with were generic imitations of these things. The movie has characters that I definitely remember playing with as a kid as well as all sorts of newer additions.

I have to say that Chris Pratt has been on a roll with his movies, starting with being in Moneyball, he was also in Her (my favorite movie of 2013), and was now the leading role in The Lego Movie. I am also really looking forward to seeing him in The Guardians of the Galaxy this summer, which has a ridiculous cast in it!

This movie is honestly for anyone who like Lego or pop culture, its full of references, it has so many jokes, sometimes too many because the laughter has not yet subsided from the last joke, I am sure I missed a joke or two. I am an easy one to make laugh, but I still found this movie's jokes creative.

They honestly did a good job of creating a universe in this movie, as well as explaining how the universe works. The movie pays homage to all sorts of different generations of Lego builders and it even has some deeper cuts including numbers for certain parts that only the most in depth collectors would even get reference to.

I will be very honest and admit that I didn't think The Lego Movie would have a complex plot, but boy was I ever wrong. I did not see a lot of the different things and creative turns coming. My advice is that if you have somehow not seen the movie and still want to, do not read anything about it, I would hate it if any parts of the movie were spoiled for someone, because I really enjoyed some of the different reveals and twists in the movie.

I think that my favorite cameo in the movie would have to be Billy Dee Williams making a quick appearance in the movie as Lando himself. I mentioned liking the casting, and I really mean that, all the way down to the role that Jonah Hill plays in the movie. I could go down the entire cast list stating that everyone did a good job in the movie, but I won't do that. I just wanted to point out both Billy Dee Williams and Jonah Hill in the movie. Also what the movie did with Batman was quite amusing.

Well this is the first and only movie that I have seen so far in 2014, so of course it stands alone at #1:

1. The Lego Movie

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