Monday, May 30, 2011


It has been over a week since I last blogged. Since the last post, my little brother graduated from college, and I have really been suffering through a cold. I am feeling much better now.

Yesterday my my brother, who is staying with me for a few weeks, made a ton of food. We fired up the grill, and I figured since we were heating it up, we should get the most out of it. We grilled burgers, brats, hot dogs, and some peppers and onions for good measure. On top of that we boiled some corn on the cob, which I have since removed from the cob. I made some of my dad's BBQ cole slaw, it is like a normal creamy cole slaw with some BBQ sauce and pickle juice mixed in. I think it is my favorite cole slaw ever! And last but not least I made some yukon gold oven fries with garlic, olive oil, and italian herbs. They might be my best potatoes I have ever made. We have leftovers that should feed us for a lot of the week.

I am not ashamed to admit that I really like Oscar Meyer hot dogs, just the regular cheap ones. I like them better than the natural casing hot dogs that have the crisp to them. We grilled a few packages of Oscar Meyer hot dogs, but the coals were really low, before they died out, so they pretty much go smoked in there. They taste so wonderfully smoky. I like to have a hot dog and put some of the BBQ cole slaw on top of it, which is friggin amazing.

So while working today (Memorial day) I was just thinking about how some people really fall for the different tactics that grocery stores employ to sell products.

For those that don't know me, my night and weekend job is as a cashier at a grocery store. As a side note a lot of the topics that I write about on here ccome to me while I am working, others while I go on my long walks at night.

Grocery stores use the package price to get you to buy more items than you actually need. In the vast majority of cases you don't have to but all of the items to get each item for that price. Just make sure you read the sign, if it doesn't say you must buy all of them, then don't feel obligated to.

Buy one get one free is not always a great deal. Lots of times items are cheaper when they are on sale, that each item costs in a buy one get one free deal. People love to get stuff for free, but they don't notice that sometimes its not as good of a deal.

Smaller items that are on sale, can still be less per ouce than the larger items which are not neccessarily on sale. Stores know people will lean towards an item that has a sale tag even if its not that great of a deal. That is why they put so many of them out there.

The one item in a grocery store that actually makes me lose a bit of respect for people is Tropicana 50. For those who don't know Trop 50 is its orange juice that has half the calories and half the carbs of regular orange juice, that comes in a smaller container that is more expensive than normal orange juice too. Now how do they make orange juice that has half the sugar and calories? They add water! Why not buy the regular orange juice and dilute your own, you would be making so much more juice for yourself. This is such a weird thing for me to rant about, but I really think people need to think more when they buy things. Its got half the calories, it must be better right? well in this case absolutely not!

Well I think that is all for that rant. I just needed to spill a lot of that stuff. I would like to write more often, but I just never have the inspiration when I want to write haha. I am going to start backlogging some different posts so hopefully that will help me post more often.

I just wanted to say that I really think that Foreplay is my favorite song by Boston. Its the prelude song that leads to Long Time, and that song just plain rocks! It rocks more than Long Time itself. I know, another unsolicited thought from me.

Well thanks for stopping by.

Friday, May 20, 2011

My Culinary Journey

I was thinking back on my history of cooking. I first got interested in cooking thanks to Food Network, I remember watching Emeril Live and loving it. I actually remember watching Emeril's sit com, it took place during the commercials on Emeril live, I really don't remember if it was funny at all, just that it, at one point, existed.

I think I actually learned all of the techniques I know from the Food Network. I am sure there are many other Food Network taught cooks out there. I can't imagine what it would have been like for me in a previous age. Of all things to cook as a first real dish, I made risotto. Risotto is not a beginners dish at all, but I wanted to make it and my parents were happy to oblige. I actually remember now that it was a 3 cheese risotto, and we used 3 real italian cheeses, which really opened up a whole new world for me. I must have been like a freshman in high school at the time, maybe a sophomore. I don't think the risotto turned horribly, but I also don't think it was perfect.

The next dish I tried to make might have even been more difficult to make than risotto, it was gumbo. I guess I didnt know how to start small. Gumbo is a layered dish that has many steps. It was the first and only time that I have ever made a roux. What guy wouldn't want to make a stew with some chicken and sausage in it. It was andouille sausage if I remember correctly. I think I burned the gumbo just a little bit, and I didn't even know what to expect from it, but it was edible at the very least.

I think after those 2 dishes I took a bit of a break from cooking, but still enjoyed watching Food Network. Who doesn't enjoy some good food porn anyway?

I didn't really give cooking another shot until I had moved out on my own, and even the first year living with a bunch of roommates, I didn't really cook much, we didn't have that much room in out fridge to allow me to cook, and I guess I just really wasn't up for it at that time. When I was living in an apartment alone, and also with my little brother for a time, is when I started to really start cocoking, it gave me the freedom to do whatever I wanted to do. Since then my cooking has become much more frequent.

I have memories of a show on Food Network that I really miss called Mario Eat Italy where Mario Batali and  another guy travel to different parts of Italy and tried all sorts of different Italian dishes, and it was awesome. I loved learning about food back then, and I still do.

I think the show on Food Network that is my favorite right now is Good Eats with Alton Brown. I think it is such a cool show. Good Eats is a great cooking show for geeks that really get into the details of cooking things. I have always wanted to try to make his Dr. Pepper glazed ham, but it seems like a lot of work for a single guy to do, maybe some day, if/when I have a family I will be able to try it.

I also remember loving a show called The Naked Chef with Jamie Oliver. He had a way of making food seem so simple and easy to make, even when he was making something like sushi. I wish those old episodes were still shown, even if they were late at night. I loved watching that show so much.

My cooking method is a bit weird. I tend to create my own aggregate recipe from around 3 recipes that I will find online. I think every time I make a recipe I want to try something new in it. I love changing things and adding things to my recipes, I have been making a variation of my Chunky Chicken Chili for like 3 years now, and no 2 times is it quite the same, but it is consistently very good.

I have a weirdly good memory, I remember things that I have cooked just once. I remember the only time I made stir fry, it was a teryaki stir fry with pineapple and pineapple juice in it, and it was awesome. I don't know if I will ever be able to make it that good again,

I like grilling in the summer months, and I know I cacn make a good burger, my father's recipe, but I like to try to make some new things as well. I remember making teryaki chicken kabobs with my brother last summer that I thought was really good. I grilled lots of vegetables to go with it, and served it all on rice with some extra teryaki sauce, can't go wrong with that.

If anyone wants some help learning to cook, let me know. I wouldn't mind helping someone learn how to cook. I really think that everyone should be able to cook, its one of the most fun ways to feed yourself.

I actually consider cooking as one of my creative outlets. I love using my brain to think up new ideas of things to make. If I see something on tv that I like I will get a recipe, but that is just the beginning of the process, even before I make the recipe for the first time, I will think of ways that I can alter the recipe in a way to make me like it even more. I have definitely substituted items as I wished to make a recipe that I would love, rather than one that I might just simply like.

Food is one of the topics that I could literally blabber about forever and ever. If you want someone to talk to about food, please let me know. I think this has given everyone a glimpse into my world of cooking. Sorry if it rambles on a little bit, but I wrote it at 2:00 AM.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Last night I attended my first wedding of the year. Last year was my first time attending weddings for people I was not related to. But this was my 6th wedding that I have attended in about 1 year's time. That is a lot of weddings over the course of just about a year. I think I have had the same thought at every single one of the weddings. I wish I had someone to bring as a date. There is just something so singular about going to wedding after wedding alone. Its not like I was the only person who was at the wedding without a date, although it is becoming more and more common that I am the only one of my frends without a date. I have the feeling by the time I have someone to bring to a wedding as a date, all of my friends will already be married.

Now how selfish is it of me to think about myself at wedding which are of course celebrating the love of 2 people. I enjoy weddings to a certain extent, but going to 5 last year was more than enough for a while. I think there is only one more that I will be going to this year, but I have not even gotten an invitation to that wedding yet.

I guess at least now I know what to expect from weddings, I have seem them done a few different ways. Some with the church ceremony, then the gap of time before the reception at another location. Some with the ceremony and the reception in the same place, with a much smaller gap of time. I was even an usher in one wedding.

The wedding last night was in a very interesting location. I didn't even know there were indoor parks, but I guess Woodbury, MN has an indoor central park. It was kind of a cool environment, reminded me of the tropics section or the Minnesota zoo. I thought there would be some real grass or something inside. There were lots of trees, and a small waterfall.

I was a little worried that all of the bridesmaids and the bride had to walk down some cement and rocky steps to get down to the altar, but everything went smoothly. I also liked how the wedding was casual. The guys didn't even have suit jackets, which is something I give the thumbs up! I would be ok without ties, and with suit jackets, but I enjoy that it was not super formal.

I got to see some people I hadn't seen sincce the last wedding I had seen them at. I had a great time talking to  Spencer Miller specifically. I swear we spend a lot of time talking to each other at every wedding we see each other at. I think we bonded over out distaste for dancing, and our common senses of humor. Always nice to see him and his lovely wife. There are many other friends I was happy to see, and of course get extremely excited hugs from.

My Review of It's Kind of a Funny Story: I really loved this movie. I thought the narrative style was very creative. I thought the casting was very well done. I liked that Zach Galifianakis was funny when he was supposed to be, but he was not the creepy weirdo. He did play an important role though. Actually the entire community in the hospital played a very important role for the main character.

I really connected with the emotions in the movie. Some parts were very melancholy, while others were much more upbeat, and laughter filled. I think I really connected with this movie because I have been through depression before, and even at the same age as the main character. I could definitely connect to just about everything he was going through. I really liked this movie. Definitely something that slid under the radar in movie theaters. I don't even remember seeing commercials for it,

Bonus review of Bridesmaids: Holy crap is Bridesmaids funny. A movie that I was interested in a while ago because it was written by and stars Kristen Wiig, it was directed by Paul Feig who was the creator of Freaks and Geeks, and it was produced by The Judd Apatow, all of which were great indicators in my book. Some movies can focus too much on the humor and not have enough story, but this movie has enogh story to with the the tons of laughs as well.

They were able to space out the laughs enough so that you would stop laughing and could listen to the movie again before making you laugh again. Don't go into the movie expecting it to be a chick flick, sure most of the characters are female, but the movie is funny as hell regardless of gender. Sure some of the scenes make fun of guys, but lets face it some guys are just douches, and deserve to be made fun of.

Seriously, I want to see this movie again, and it just ended about an hour ago. There is just too much hilarity to even begin to describe. I really think it would be enjoyable for anyone around my age. I also don't think The Hangover Part 2 will live up to the first one. I know all the frat boys out there are pumped for another one of those, but the first one was not even very rewatchable. Go see Bridesmaids, you won't regret it!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Fallacy of Online Dating

This is just something that I have been thinking about today. I need to make a better effort of writing things when they are fresh in my mind rather than waiting until the thought is completely wasted.

I don't think that online dating is a bad thing, but I think it cacn be used in a bad way. Some guys and girls use it purely as a way of finding new people to have sex with, now there are sites that are more targeted towards this, but I have noticed both guy and girls on sites who have used them for this. I find that degrading.

I think that when used properly dating sites open up the options of people you could meet to people you would have never run into. I think these sites are great for finding things about people that you like, and also things that you don't like. I can honestly say that I have met lots of fun people through these sites. I know being a person that does not drink, and also does not enjoy the bar scene, this is a great new way to meet people, but it needs to be taken with a grain of salt. Some people avoid telling the whole truth, or flat out lie on their profiles. I personally choose to be completely 100% dorky me, after all I don't know how to be anyone else.

I have met some people who assume that just because you have a high number of things in common that you will magically fall in love like the commercials want it to seem, but I would imagine that some of the people in those commercials, while they are very happy now, had to go on several dates with other people before meeting the one. Its not a "tool" to be used and then assume that the first person you go out with will automatically be the one. It takes chemistry, and sometimes people can have a ton in common and lots of things they should be able to talk about, but just don't have the chemistry. Sometimes chemistry can take a little while to work out, other times you will realize that its not going to work out. Sometimes you find out the person who seemed cool online has turned out to be a complete jackass.

It can be very easy to draw yourself into delusions either on the positive or the negative end. When no one is writing to you, or replying to the messages, its very easy to get down about it. Its also very possible to get over confident when you might have multiple people you are messaging at once.

I think the one problem I have with online dating is that its not natural. Youre not meeting someone through a natural means within your life. You are introducing them inorganically, and as doing so it can be hard to establish what normal behavior for the "relationship" should be. Its not like people sit down and discuss this    (Oh how I wish people would, it would have made lots of things much easier on me!). Its just one of those things that you have to try and see how much talking on the phone the other person likes, or how much texting, how much time together etc. I think it works best if both people are honest about what they like and don't like when things happen, I am most likely in the minority about this. I have found that I am too open and honest in most cases, some people aren't able to handle it when you're that open about what is going on I guess.

I have actually thought about writing a book, Dating For Geeks, which I think would be a great topic to cover for some other people like myself out there. Of course I have enver written anything more than a blog, I just think that this topic would be a good one to cover. For all I know there are already tons of books out there on the topic, but it seems like a very interesting idea.

I have been enjoying my self imposed hiatus from dating, although lately I have been extra flirty, and I can't decide if its just me being me, or if its me actually liking something, or even if its me overthinking stuff as I always do. I dont know.

Sometimes I am great at talking to girls, while other times I am more shy and reserved. It all really depends on my mood, but lately I have definitely been in a good mood regularly, so I have been very flirty with the ladies, and wow that sounded very creepy. I guess I have talked about how flirty I have been twice. I am still just trying to figure out why! Oh well, its really not that big of a deal though.

I just got a bit emotional when I noticed that my post on my friend who died, had been viewed nearly 3 times as many times as any of the other posts. I am still thinking about Dave on a day to day basis, I would still like for more people to write about him, but I think I got all of the commenters that I am going to get for that post.

I just got home from watching Thor, and over all it was pretty good. I would say about 7/10 which for a movie is a pretty good rating from me. I enjoyed it. There was a lot of good action. The characters were well developed through the movie. There were even a few laughs(more for me than there were for other people, because I laugh too much, and at weird times).

I didn't think the 3D element of the movie really added much at all. I haven't really ever been much of a fan of 3D. I don't think my eyes adjust well to it at all. I have to keep adjusting the silly glasses to get the correct 3D to actually work for my eyes. Really not worth it for most of the movies that are in 3D in my opinion, I hope the fad goes away again, although this time its partially about being able to charge extra for it. I just don't think in most cases all that much if anything was added by showing it in 3D. I do like that many movies are also being offered in 2D, but I thought Thor might have had some good 3D parts to it, I didn't really notice any of them if they existed.

There were some great shots in the movie, both of real environments, and of CGI environments. The movie has a lot of CGI, but most people going to see it probably are expecting that. My only other complaint about the movie is that it was just too bright. I kind off wish the 3D glasses would have been sunglasses for some of the scenes, so be warned about that.

I would like to give my ranking of recent Marvel movies that have been released:
Iron Man
The Incredible Hulk
Iron Man 2
X-Men Origins: Wolverine

I liked all of the movies here other than Wolverine. I don't know what it was about Wolverine, but the movie just didnt click with me, even though I was very excited to see it. I have even watched it a few more times to see if I can enjoy it more, but to no avail. I don't hate it or anything like that, just didn't really like it either.

I have actually been thinking about the older Marvel movies, kind of the first generation, and here are my rankings for those while we are at it:
Spiderman 2
Xmen 2
Xmen: The Last Stand
Spiderman 3
Fantastic 4

That took some time to think about. I think I am satisfied with those rankings though. I will usually watch any of the top 5 if I see them playing on tv while channel surfing. I didn't have a chance to see the second Fantastic Four movie, not that I really wanted to all that much. I guess I could include Daredevil and Elektra, but meh, didn't really care for either of those, also have never seen either of them all the way through in one sitting. I have never seen Ghostrider or either of the Punisher movies. I have surprisingly never seen any of the movies in the Blade trilogy. I would like to at some point, but im not exactly dying to see them either. If they were all on Netflix, I would definitely watch them, I will leave it at that.

I really think that overall, for the most part, the movies coming from Marvel materials have been well done any enjoyable. There have been a few exceptions, but I have gotten quite a bit of enjoyment from these movies, and I look forward to the future releases.

Anyone else think Nathan Fillion would be awesome as Ant-Man/Hank Pym?
Does it seem like I have a man crush on Nathan Fillion?
So what if I do?

Well thats all I have for now, thanks for reading.

Friday, May 6, 2011


Its been a little while since I last wrote anything. I have just been reading through my stats for my blog. It appears that the best referring site is facebook, so lots of my friends are reading my blog. The 2nd best referring site is actually google, which I find interesting. People have found my blog by searching for really random things.

Nathan Fillion
Scre4m Spoilers
Has gone meta

All of these search terms have been used to find my blog. I guess I just find this stuff fascinating. I shouldn't geek out too much about my own blog though. Self centered much?

I wanted to write this blog entry about humor, but maybe I should really use it within the scope of my life. Some of the people reading this post know me, while others don't. I am the kind of person who gives everyone a hard time. Thats how its always been in my family, and I actually like that. Some people can handle this, others are not really able to handle it though. I feel that anything is fair game for joking about, but I guess sometimes I should really exercise more discretion. If I have ever offended you, I didn't mean to. I just don't know when I go to far some times. Different people enjoy different levels of joking. Of course there are topics that shouldn't be joked about, and there are some environments are not appropriate for joking around either.

I love how nuanced humor can be. There are just so many different things that I enjoy from a humor standpoint. I can enjoy the dryest of humor. I enjoy puns usually. I guess I laugh even when stuff isn't all that funny, but I have found that my laughter and my smile can be very contagious. I wish everyone could laugh at as many things as I can, but I guess nothing would get done, because we would all be giggling the day away.

I have a theory that people who have been through tough times are able to enjoy humor that much more than others. I know the fact that I really did suffer through my depression has helped me enjoy laughter and humor as a whole more. I think other people who have been through tough times, no matter what the specifics are able to see the true joy that is humor. I know I have probably thought about this too much, but I think the people who have seen the true darkness, are most able to enjoy the light. Even if its not that bright. I thought that was a great analogy but then again I like to pat my own back.

Some people are not able to laugh at themselves, but insist on laughing at everyone else though. I dislike people like this, it seems like the ultimate form of judging. I just think some people should be able to be a bit more laid back, and not take themselves so seriously. I guess I am rambling, but rambling is really all I do on this blog haha.

Overall I have had some extra time to think and reflect on myself in this past week, and i am feeling great right now, maybe its the fact that we had sun for like 3 days in a row. I am starting to think that sun really helps my mood a ton, but I have enjoyed having time to unwind over the course of the week. I have done more reading than I have done in previous weeks.

I have recently started watching Battlestar Galactica. Some of my friends were shocked that I had not already watched it well, I guess it had slipped past me. I sure am glad that I gave it a shot though. It is an awesome show. Lots of drama, mixed with scifi action goodness. There is usually so much going on and a lot of interesting story arcs to follow. I am only midway through the 2nd season, but its a gem that can be found on Netflix Instant. As I am writing this, something just happened on the show that just blew my fraking mind! If you notice me using the word frak a lot, its because of this show. What a great replacement word, they sure got around being censored there! I think people who don't even enjoy scifi all that much would enjoy this show. I think its so well written, with great character development. Some quality work from the Syfy channel. I might have to check out the show Caprica after I work my way through this, but we will see.

Well its almost the middle of the night, so I should probably get to bed.

As always I encourage comments and questions you might have about what I have written.