Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Dating Update

I am not sure how much I have shared about this, but I am currently on a dating hiatus. This doesn't mean that I haven't had the urge to ask someone out lately, but just that I have not done so. I have really been doing this for a few different reasons.

1. I have been working on losing weight, and I have been successful in doing so.
2. I needed to recover from the damage I received last time I really let someone in.
3. I am planning on moving soon, so dating someone here would not work too well.
4. On top of just recovering from the last girl, I want to work on myself even more beyond that. My psychological issues have been well documented on my blog(s) in the past, and I really just want some time to be me, and enjoy life without any added worries. I think this was long overdue for me.

I guess that last item could have been discussed in a bit longer form. It has been quite a while since the last time that I had a real crush, it might be a record, well since I was first interested in girls at least.

I had a good discussion on twitter with someone who was going through some issues with unrequited feelings, and maybe not dealing with them in the most subtle way either. I have all to much experience dealing with that, but it has been nearly 6 months, which is once again probably a record for me.

My biggest issue right now is in regard to dating. If I move to a new area, I might want to give dating a try over there, as a way of making new friends and as a way to potentially meet someone. I think that this is just me trying to convince myself that I should see what is out there right now, but maybe I am just bored. It is really something for me to ponder, I still have a lot of weight to lose, and I don't want to get sidetracked on that. Of course it is possible that I could meet someone who would only help encourage me down the right path too. The short answer right now is that I don't know what I am going to do, only time will tell. This is just something that has been going through my head a lot lately, I might just test the water, if it doesn't go well I will take a step back from it. As usual I just find it helpful to put my thoughts down on the page. I am always open to advice or just thoughts that people have one the subject.


  1. Despite all this thats happening how are you always happy? I mean you never show that there's something wrong, like you keep it in.

  2. Thanks for this question, it really made me think. I spent a very long time being unhappy, and spent a lot of time working on it. Through my depression I was able to develop my sense of humor. I never show that something is wrong, because I have learned not to let most things bother me. I used to beat myself up over every little thing, now I am able to really choose which things bother me. I don't turn my anger inwards anymore, I really don't have much anger at all anymore. I have also found outlets, such as this blog, and exercise to help me relax.
