Sunday, August 14, 2011

Diet Log Week #8

It has been a good week. I was already down in weight on Wednesday. I had a good walk/jog on Friday night. I jogged to the gym, lifted weights, and jogged back on Saturday night, which was exhausting but I am very glad I did it. I will do that any day that I have enough time to, it really helps me feel like I have accomplished something, and that was after a long day of delivering groceries at work.

I am definitely a little bit sore today from some intense weight lifting that I did. I plan to at least go for a walk today during my cheat day just to get myself moving some, which is always a good idea. We will see how it goes later on.

Like I said, this was a very good week, and with my work schedule coming up this week, I should be able to exercise more, and potentially walk to the gym an back a few times with my open schedule, which would be awesome. I will report back on how that went next week.

This week's results:
Weight loss this week: 5.4 lbs
Inches lost this week: 2.5
Total Weight lost: 34.4 lbs
Total inches lost: 23.5

After this very successful week, I am up to 19.9% of my goal weight loss number, I was hoping it would be an even 20%, but 19.9% is still a damn good number. I have also lost over 8% of my total bodyweight since I started. This is good, but I still have a long way to go. I need to stay the course, and keep working out hard when I can. Thank you for all of your continued support!

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