Monday, August 1, 2011

Cowboys and Aliens

I really enjoyed this movie, I was unsure if I would or not because of the very mixed reviews it has gotten, but I will say that I was not disappointed at all. It is really a mashup of genres, but it is much more than just Westerns and Scifi, there are also elements of monster movies, which is kind of a given, and also a few very jumpy scenes, that even though you know are coming will make you jump.

This movie really has a lot of people that I like including Harrison Ford, Daniel Craig, Sam Rockwell, and Paul Dano. Olivia Wilde was not too hard on the eyes either, I have just not really seen that many things that she has been in, she sure has pretty eyes though doesn't she? I also really liked the job that Adam Beach did, I remember him from the movie Smoke Signals that I watched back in high school.

Some people have told me that they can't get into the premise of this movie, but how is it any more ridiculous than another modern times of future alien movie? I think you have to go into seeing this movie with an open mind, sure it is contrived, but most movies are. That is what separates most movies from documentaries. With aliens attacking do you expect something to be 1005 realistic? I didn't think so.

This movies has some good action, some jumps, some humor, and some emotion. I can't say that it had the best directing, or the best writing, but it was still very entertaining. I don't think the characters are that well developed, but for a few of the characters mystery is actually part of their character. Even though it had all of these shortcomings, I still enjoyed the movie. I think the novelty of the idea made me enjoy it, it really was a very creative idea.

I think its a good popcorn movie, and the type of movie that I would watch every time that I came across it on television. Some people care what critics think, and some people don't. If you can get past some mediocre reviews, I think it is worth seeing, even if you wait til it is out on dvd. 

I have said enough negatives about it, how about some positives? There are 4 or 5 big laugh lines in the movies, and a few smaller laughs too, of course I tend to laugh more than most. Paul Dano plays the perfect spoilage douchey son. Daniel Craig is a complete badass. When he can hold his accent together, he actually sounds just like Harrison Ford when he was younger. There are some real emotional moments, and even the assholes have hearts.

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