Sunday, July 3, 2011

Diet Log Week #2

This past weekend I went to see my mom and it really challenged me a bit in regards to my diet. We went out to eat the first night down there, and I had to be a nitpicky kind of guy getting baked fish with corn, and I asked for a side of refried beans as well so that I could be filled up at the end of the meal. I would have much rather had some or the fried fish or fried shrimp that the rest of the family had, but I had to stay strong. The restaurant even had free dessert with the meal, but luckily I was able to get that to go, and enjoyed it on Saturday which was my cheat day.

On Saturday I got to have pancakes for breakfast, that my mother had made. It was great to have those carbs in my system again, even if they did not stay in my system for that long. For lunch at the zoo I had a bad cheeseburger and fries. They were ok, I think there were not greasy enough to be satisfying. I was hungry not that long after lunch because of all of the watching that we were doing, and the lack of fiber in my system. This would be something that occurred regularly throughout the day.

We stopped at Mcdonalds on the way back to my mom's house and had some ice cream, which was very refreshing. We stopped at the grocery store for some fixins for dinner. We had ribs and chicken with some different vegetables for dinner, not too much of a guilty pleasure of a meal, but it was good. I had like 3 or 4 desserts that night, because I was just hungry the whole rest of the night, it was not good. I had ice cream with   some of my mom's home made rhubarb and strawberry sauce on it, which was great. a few hours later I had some microwaved smores, the bonfire they had was not that enjoyable due to the huge flock of mosquitoes that attacked us. Later that night, I made myself another sundae with strawberries and a banana and chocolate syrup. It was awesome, but still didn't fill me up. I decided that was all I should have because another dessert would have just been excessive.

On Sunday we had some eggs and I had a few strips of bacon, along with some corn and black beans. Which was somewhat tasty, but more importantly it was filling. For lunch before my brother and I headed back to Eau Claire we went to lunch at a diner near the interstate. The menu looked awesome, but of course I had to make a smart selection from the menu so I could stick with this diet. I had a chef's salad, with ham and turkey on it, there was a lot of cheese on it so I avoided eating quite a bit of the cheese that was on the salad, and just left it.

On Tuesday, I made some slow roasted pork in the slow cooker, it turned out great, and the pork was even on sale, so it was not expensive at all to make. I also made some roasted vegetable, corn and black bean salsa to enjoy with the pork. I had it with some sour cream, and a little bit of cheese. It was very good, and I have been having it once a day, and I still have lots of leftovers to go.

Wednesday was one of the hardest days I have had on the diet, so far. We had a picnic at work, and I could not eat all that much of what we had. I would have loved to eat some extra burgers or something like that, but with 12 people having confirmed they would be attending the picnic, I made 20 burgers, thinking there would be plenty of leftovers. Turns out 25 people showed up, and because I was grilling, I was lucky to get even half of a burgers. There were so many desserts that I would have loved to eat, but I just was able to resist them. I really should have used my cheat day then, but I chose not to. Sunday will be my cheat day, but I do not know what I will be having yet. We will have to wait and see. Pizza is always a possibility.

This was my official weigh in and measurement day. I plan to do that every morning on my cheat days. My losses this week are:
12.4 lbs--which may be a bit exaggerated
3.5 inches

I have lost those 3.5 inches from my biceps, thighs, belly and hips. I was quite satisfied with my losses, my clothes still feel much looser than they had in the past.

My weight loss may have been exaggerated by a few factors. I weighed myself originally the day after my cheat day, when I would have been extra bloated with water after having all of those carbs on my cheat day. I may have been able to burn extra calories while melting away in the heat this past week. I don't expect to lose 12 lbs a week. more in the 5-7 range for now.

I created a spreadsheet to help with the tracking of my losses each time around. I had been keeping them in a notebook, but I would rather have them in a digital format. After this week I will post my week's total, and then the running total for all of those categories.

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