Sunday, July 31, 2011

Diet Log Week #6

So it has been another great week on the diet, and I keep feeling good, and having energy to exercise. The cooking is second nature now, I do feel like mixing in something new every once in a while. I think in the winter I might go with soup and a salad a lot, or just a big bowl of chili, oh how I could go for some chili. I like seeing recipes on TV that I know will fit well into my diet.

I have been working on reducing the ratio of meat to vegetables, trying to get much more of the low calorie vegetables in and less of the meat. I know I need protein, but I don't need a ton of it. I really like veggies too. Where they are roasted or steamed they really help to fill me up while being very low in calories.

I am planning on starting to work with weights a little bit more, my biggest problem is that I would like to be outside as much as possible when exercising, but I don't have the money to buy any sort of weight set right now. I would actually like to buy a kettlebell, as that is one of the pieces of equipment suggested in The 4 Hour Body, it can allow you to work a lot of different muscles at once, but right now with a move on the horizon, buying one is not that feasible, so instead I will go to the gym and do some lifting, even if it is a few times a week it can help me build muscles, which will in turn help burn fat faster, which seems alright in my book. If anyone wants to buy me a Kettlebell I will gladly accept it :) The 30 lb one that I would like is only about $50

I have found myself having more stamina when running, which has helped me push myself to be out there longer. I am usually out running/jogging for at least an hour at a time. I like the fresh air, but I hate the humidity. My main rule is that I am not allowed to stop moving, keep walking forward. The new barrier to my running is that my shins start to get sore after about an hour, so I stop jogging and just keep walking.

My numbers for this week were very good:
Weight loss this week: 4.8 lbs
Inches lost this week: 2.5
Total weight lost: 27 lbs
Total Inches lost: 18.5

My weight loss goal is 172.8 lbs, which is a hefty number. that is more than an average person's weight, but I have crossed my first threshold. I have lost more than 25 lbs, and I am under 400lbs.

I have lost 15.625% of my goal weight loss in 6 weeks, which is pretty amazing. If I were to keep up this pace it would take me 39 weeks to reach my goal weight, but I am imagining it will slow down a little, although if I start adding some muscle the fat should come off faster. We will see how it goes, but I am in this for the long haul, and I am prepared for it to take over a year, this has been way too long in the making.

I would like to thank everyone for the support, it really helps push me to go harder and harder.